College!Geoff x Oc!Reader

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For Jamie_Laufeyson1

Geoff Castellucci was enrolled at the best music school, Julliard. He was a jock, no not a jock THE jock. He wasn't in any sports, no. He was a big burly the choir! A base who was friends with, guess what, music majors. Samantha Stein was also in Julliard. A confident but quiet music major. She was a "nerd" in any jocks eyes. One day Samantha was walking to class and bumped into someone. "I'm sorry!" She said. "Let me help," Geoff picked up her books and handed them to her. "Here," he smiles. "Thank you for..." she looks through her black hair, and holds her books close to her chest. She walks away not making eye contact. Geoff runs to get next to her. "Hey, do you want to get coffee or tea or something sometime?" Geoff asks. Sam moves the hair away from her eyes. "Sure," she smiles. They hold hands walking to choir class.

I love love love love love this! So cute!

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