Geoff x Fan!Gender Neutral!Reader

395 5 6

For Neveragain2009472 and Dighenheart

Y/N = Your Name
L/N = Last Name
e/c = eye color

Y/N was a big fan of the A Capella group Voiceplay, so they got tickets to one of their shows. Y/N was walking into the venue, in awe of both the scenery and the people. They walked up to the person giving out passes. "Name?" The attendant asks. "Y/N L/N," They responded. "Nobody under that name," The attendant responded. "They are clear Stacy, give them a VIP pass." A deep voice said. "Oh... my gosh! You're Geoff Castellucci," They said geeking out. "That I am, meet me backstage after the show," He said smiling.


Y/N skipped to the backstage door humming 'Why can't we be friends' happily. They knocked on the door. "You must be Y/N, how nice to meet you, I'm Geoff Castellucci," "Y/N L/N," They responded. Geoff took them outside to the quiet sidewalk of Orlando, Florida. "Nice isn't it?" "Yes," They responded quickly. Geoff lifts their chin to look at their e/c eyes. They were the brightest he has ever seen. They soon kissed and the rest is history.

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