Protective!Eli x Insucure! Female!Reader

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I edited your request a little, sorry. Also Out Of Character Tony

For Dighenheart

It was a long day. The crew finished recording an hour and a half ago. Before the shoot some members had a disagreement.


The outfits Tony had picked out for Y/N were very revealing. Y/N was chubby, she often hidden herself under hoodies and sweats. As she looked at the choice for her. Her face went pale. "Urm Tony, what is this?" She asked holding the hanger in her hand. "Your outfit, put it on!" He demanded. "But... I don't want to," she whispers, tears falling from her beautiful e/c eyes. "What are you thinking Tony!" Eli yells from across the warehouse. "I just want her to look good for once!" Tony barks at the shorter male. "She's not wearing that!" Eli points to the outfit. "Let her choose what she wants! Don't force her to wear something she doesn't want to!" Eli yells as Tony stomps off. Y/N collapses to the floor, sobbing. "Hey it's okay Y/N. Just wear what you want. You'll look stunning. As you always do!" Eli says to the girl, now in his arms. "Five minutes!" Geoff says cheerfully. "Let's go kill this!" Eli says.


"I apologise for my behaviour Y/N. I didn't mean to make you cry," Tony says to her. "It's okay Tony. I know you just wanted a good video. As well as for me to step out of my comfort zone," Y/N chuckles. The group (Eli, Tony, Y/N) hugged. Geoff snapped a picture, that was the Spotify cover.

If you're struggling with body confidence, I want you to know that you are all beautiful, handsome and amazing! Love you all!

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