Vampire!Geoff x Female!Reader

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For Dighenheart

Mentions of reincarnation. Based of stereotypical vampires, think Twilight but better! Also the reader and Geoff have met, but from her previous life.

Spooky Geoff POV

I was running through the corridor, my cape flowing behind me. "I'm late!" I yell to myself. "For what?" Layne asks. "I'm going up to the surface and its almost day! I'll be back!" I take off in my bat form. I flew under the light of the full moon. I flew down, slowing down, than transforming back. I walk normally, well as normal as a 1,038 year old vampire could. In human years I looked 38. I was walking by a playground. I heard the squeaking chain of a swing. I decide to take a closer look. It was a girl, she looked to be my human age, maybe younger. She was starring at the moon. "I know you're there," she said. I stepped towards her. "Hey," I say. "Do I know you?" I follow up. "Names Y/N," she says. "Geoff," we shake hands.


As I shake his hand I get some weird deja vu. Like we've met. He smiles at me. I look at his canines intensely. "Are you a vampire?" I couldn't control my voice. "What? No, yes!" He says. "I feel like we have a connection," I say. "Same here," he responds. "I should go," I say hugging my arms. "I'll walk you," he says.

They walked in silence until she was home, then Geoff departed for his. He found her. His past wife.

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