All x Scientific! Teen! Reader

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Based off my experience for Science Olympiad! It was fun!


We arrived at the University, mindlessly wandering through the halls full of students and college kids, we were trying to find a place to sit, plus our event locations.

Layne POV

"Face it Geoff, we are lost," Cesar says. "We could go into that University, Sciences Clubs across the state are competing! We could ask a kid for directions," Eli says. "Good idea!" I smile. Geoff pulls into a parking spot and we enter the building. "So... now what?" Tony asks. "Toby we are lost!" A person whines. "Let's ask for directions Y/N!" Toby responds. "Excuse us!" I smile at them. "Ah men!" Toby yells hiding behind Y/N. "Yeah?" Y/N asks folding their arms across their chest. "We're looking for directions to Minneapolis Theatre," I respond sheepishly. "Oh, I'm Layne by the way," I continue. "Girls, come on!" Their coach yells. "I'm not a girl!" Toby and Y/N yell in unison, briskly walking away. "Wait!" Geoff yells walking after them, grabbing my hand. We entered what looked like a Chemistry lab, that had rocks in it. "You ready to ace this?" Y/N asks. "Yup!" Toby responds as they preform the "Peter and Ned" handshake. They go to their station and finish up in an hour. "Let's go!" Toby says. "I have Experimental Design," Y/N says. "Okay!" Toby smiles. "Urm Y/N, directions?" "Go out the parking lot to the left, go straight. You should see road signs," They respond. "See you," they run off. "Wrong way!" They pass us and go back to where they were.

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