Baron!Geoff x Lost! Female!Reader

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This is for Dighenheart thank you for the wonderful idea. Potential Trigger Warning for religion, talks about religion and other religious stuffs and death. Reader Discression Advised.

This fic is based off the aftermath of the Queen in 5 minutes music video Voiceplay did where Geoff is an Loa of Haitian Voodoo god? (Got this from Google, if anyone knows, let me know!)

Geoff POV

I was walking away from the scene where Earl previously was. He was pushed back into life by some other god or goddess. Of course Anubis or J.None as we called him had to argue with me. Not just him, but the others as well. "Hello?" A female voice asks in the distance. I walk closer to the sound. "Hello?" I ask in the darkness. "Over here! Please help me!" She cries, I run to her direction. "Hello young one," I greet her. "H-hello. Who are you?" She stutters. "I'm the Baron, but you can call me Geoff, and you are?" I hold out my hand. "Y/N," she responded, taking my hand. I help her to her feet. "Where am I?" She asks, retracting her hand to her side. "Purgatory, while your religious deity decides your fate dear," I respond. "Oh, so I'm..." she stops abruptly. "Dead, yes," I respond bluntly. "Well, I suppose I can't wait with you can I," she said, quietly. "Oh you absolutely can! I would love someone to chat with!" I respond. "Why are you being nice to me?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. "I believe everyone's a good person. Besides, in my past life I was a good person. Why not carry it here," "That's a good mentality!" She smiles. I laugh. "You remind me of someone I used to know," I say nonchalantly. "Maybe I used to know you back in your old life," "Yeah," I said out loud. She smiles. "I'm glad I'm not lost anymore," "I'm glad I helped,"

"And they were roommates!" "Oh my god, they were roommates!" - Vine. RIP Vine. Hope you enjoyed! Also guess who got back into Pokémon, me! So expect some Pokémon type stories soon (maybe just one, lol). Peace out until the next request!

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