Cesar x Male!Reader Fluff

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For Dighenheart

Reader POV

I was walking through the studio locking doors as I went. I was whistling "Rich Man/Girl" as I went. I knocked on Cesar's door. "W-who is it?" He whimpers. I open the door and run over to them. "Hey, shhh follow my breathing Cesar," I stroke his curly hair. "Its okay," I say grabbing the water bottle nearby.

Y/N held them for a long time. About an hour he deduced. The others have left and gone home.

Cesar POV

I got done hyperventilating and my breath was back to normal. My vision cleared up and I saw Y/N. "Hey Cesar, you okay buddy?" He asks. I hug him, he flinched a little. "Thank you," I say. "You're welcome Julius," he says. I laugh at the nickname. He helps me to my feet and we continue his rounds, locking up the studio and dropping me off at my house. "Stay safe!" He says. "I will," I wave as he waits for me to get in my house. I open the door and he slowly drives off. I close the door kicking off my shoes. I fix the picture frames on the side table. I walk upstairs and fall into my bed.

It was a weird day for both singers.

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