The Foster Twins

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The Neverseen never died, btw. and they never pretended to either, I guess

As babies, they were the quiet, observatory type. They would watch the other kids play, but never really play on their own.

As infants, they could never leave each other's side without some kind of screaming or crying session.

As toddlers, they started to loosen up and started to become more like the carefree children Sophie and Keefe had wished they would have the chance to be, while they were buried in Black Swan work.

As they turned 7, they manifested. One as a Telepath and Inflictor, and the other as a Telepath and Empath. Their parents were so proud of them. Sophie had worried that this would somehow affect them, but they were normal little kids with extraordinary abilities.

Then they entered Foxfire. They had heard their father's tales of pranks and run-around-with-girls-chasing-him sessions, but they were yet to really consider it. The moment they leaped into the campus, all the noise dimmed down. The girls just stared, and the boys just glared. The twins were nervous, to say the least. The Empath nudged his brother, and they both gave nervous smirks. Some girls almost fainted.

Over their first year, they started to gain confidence. But by the time they hit their second year, they didn't want to just smirk and give the occasional glance. They learned their father's tricks (in the secret of course. if Sophie found out, well, say bye-bye to daddy) and started the pranks. They were content and made a reputation for themselves instead of being in their parent's shadow. But they didn't know that yet.

Their third year, something had changed. They slouched more, their clothes were wrinkled, and they looked like any nerd in the school. The girls slowly started to lose interest and the Foxfire hierarchy went on as if they had never been at the top of the pyramid. But what had changed?

Well, everything. and it all started with the latest battle.

War pov(???)

They were on a battlefield. The war was brutal. Sophie had never expected the final fight to be this direct. The neverseen were masters at hiding yet achieving their plan with minimal dirty work.

The entire cliff in front of them was leveled, and the hills in behind them were easy to hide behind. The Black Swan was winning. And then came the highest shriek of them all.

A familiar shriek.

Sophie ran to Dex's side. She could barely see through her tears. she was full-on sobbing. Keefe, being Keefe, came over to comfort her.

Dex was smiling at the sky.

"I'll be fine Sophie" he rasped" Use my death as a reason to fight harder, not to fall with me"

He looked Keefe in the eye."Treat her well." he coughed" She was my first ki-i-i-" 

his eyes cleared, and his smile returned. Dex Dizznee had died a happy man, fighting for what he believed in.

Boys pov(???)

One day, after the battle, Sophie got a headache. It started as simple as that. A headache. The twins gave her breakfast in bed, and all that was expected from them. But after a week, they started getting worried. Keefe wouldn't leave her side, and she was convinced it was just a headache and it probably had to do with her genes, but the stubborn boys wouldn't listen.

And then one night she woke up screaming.

Her shrieks filled the halls, roaming the empty expanses, sinking into the twins' hearts, and shattering Keefe's. Her shrieks sank their vicious claws into the boys' emotions, grabbing onto their deepest fears, showing those monsters the room to prowl.

And prowl they did. They started building barriers. Barriers their father couldn't break down. Barriers no one could break down. Their hearts were the most well-protected fortresses they could have ever created. Eternalia was no match for the boy's emotional defenses. Their hearts bore wounds, fresh because they wouldn't let the medicine in, fearing the illness that might come with.

In their fourth year, they were gone. Their hearts feared the darkness, the grey blandness of school. That routine they would fall into.

It will shatter they said. It will fall and crash and shatter and break and destroy us.

Within this year, they leaned on each other. Heavily. They couldn't go an hour without each other. Their defenses would fall, one by one, showing raw emotion. Together, their hearts were an impenetrable force, but alone, their strength was worthless.

While Keefe was the Empath, it honestly scared him what was going on. They shut him out, not willing to indulge him in the satisfaction of hearing them laugh, seeing them smile, hearing their beautiful giggles, and feeling their tears of joy. And he couldn't fix a thing(Somewhere, deep inside Keefe feared he was becoming his father, or that the boys were taking after him and bottling it all up)

In their fifth year, they returned to the campus, as if nothing had happened. But you could see it in their stance, in their build,  their eyes. There was a wild, raging fire in those eyes and nothing was going to put it out.

Luke and Ian Foster had the look of a hardened soldiers in their eyes.

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