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Linh was at her tribunal, on a tall podium. At only 11 years old, Tam knew this would decide his entire future. Twin, or twinless.

He watched as the Councilors transmitted, stone-faced as always. Watched as his mother and father remained impassive. Watched as the crowd murmured quietly to themselves. Watched atop his throne-like chair. He had half a mind to tear the thing apart. He watched as Councilor Emery opened his mouth. Watched as the murmurs dimmed, watched as everyone leaned forward, desperate to hear the sentence. Watched as the leader of their world condemned his sister for something their parents forced upon her. Watched as Quan and Mai stayed silent and still watched as the crowd murmured to each other. Watched until he was sure that no one was going to do anything, because the council was made up of idiots and this room was made up of idiots and the elven world was made up of idiots because Linh was clearly innocent. Watched until he didn't, watched until he stood up and did something.

Watched as his sister's face turned from one of resignment to one of fear. Watched as her eyes widened, watched as the councilors turned to him in shock, watched the crowd of people behind him, and told them he was going too. 

He watched as his parents finally reacted. Watched as his father's eyes widened, watched as his mother's jaw went slack, watched as their eyes grew hurt, watched as his father composed himself, watched and the pain was replaced by forced anger, watched as his mother lost fell apart, right there, in front of the entire elven world. Watched as the world turned faster, watched as the whispers became slower, watched as everything changed.

Because until that point, no one volunteered to go to Exiluim. It was undesirable, unwanted. It was a school of Waywards and problematic kids. It was a place where they fought like cats, to the death. Exilium was known as a place of violence and anger and darkness and certainly not somewhere you would want to be. 

Tam volunteered to go to Exilium because he'd left his sister alone one too many times. He volunteered because if he didn't do anything, no one would. The world was filled with incompetent fools, people who couldn't comprehend that the way to change the way things were was to do something. He understood, and he followed. He understood, and he stood up and did something because he was the only person willing to fix this stupid, ignorant, shimmering supposedly safe palace. He stood up and volunteered to go fix things. He stood up and volunteered and surprised everyone.

The council was calm. They were always calm, they didn't care about them. They were emotionless monsters and how dare they do this to his sister and now he wanted to tear their thrones apart leg from leg and show them something to fear, something that will make them change, but nothing ever would.

They gave him and his sister one day to pack. They went home, his mother immediately going to her room. Their father tried to convince Tam to stay. Tried to convince him that it'd be okay if he didn't stick with Linh those one time, it'd be okay if he let his sister leave, he'd be sad but he'd get over it, it'd be okay.

Tam had heard the stories of Grady and Edaline Ruewen. He knew if he hadn't stood up at that moment and changed things no one would ever and he would regret it for the rest of his life. 

What was the difference between death and distance, anyway? Either way, you'd never see the ones you loved again.

Tam had said no. Finally, their father left to go comfort their mother. 

He looked at Linh, SHe'd been quiet for a while.

"Hey," he said. There wasn't much else to say. What could he say?

"Thank you" she whispered, and Tam gave her a weak smile

"Any time"

Tam went to their room, Linh trailing behind him.

He walked in, making his way to the connected bathroom. He, finally, took a deep breath and blew it out. He looked in the mirror. What was he going to do now?

All of a sudden, like someone had flipped a switch, Tam was steaming. They didn't get to just leave him and Linh and expect them to be okay with it. The council would not get the victory. He looked down at his Registry Pendant.

He knew what he wanted to do.


They were ready the next morning. Councilor Kenric had met them at Choralmere, to take them to their new life.

He seemed surprised at their hair, and even more surprised by their lack of registry pendants. He put the clipper he'd been holding in his cape pocket and nodded to Quan and Mai.

He looked at the both of them.

"I'm sorry about this, kids. I tried. I really did, but I couldn't do anything"

Tam only looked away. He couldn've done something. He was an adult. That alone came with power, but he was an adult with even more power. He should have done something.


That didn't matter anyway. He was the enemy now. He took them away from everything they'd ever known. It wasn't a good life, but it was a life, and in Exilium it was so much worse.

Tam straightened up, nodding. He would not let them hurt Linh.

Kenric raided one hand, and the crystals reflected the light.

He grabbed both their hands, and lead them into their new life.

I swear that one part about volunteering sounded like the hunger games.

Final update for a while, guys. Sorry! If you're curious, check out my conversations board



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