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The entire situation doesn't really make sense but oh well

What if we cant get out of here and we can't leave and can edaline conjure food here cause I'm hungry and WHY ISN'T KEEFE PANICKING ITS PANIC TIME and why am I so bo-

"Woah there Foster" Keefe said, floating in the void upside down

"You'll figure it out. You always do" Something about the way he said it made her think he wasn't joking around

"But what if we get stuck here? Or what if we teleport to the wrong place? Or what if-"

"Foster," he said, giving her a look

"We'll be fine"

Sophie exhaled

and inhaled

and exhaled

and inhaled again

Keefe must've noticed her difficulty breathing because he flipped himself right-side-up and gave her a hug

With the breezes clearing her head from distraction, she teleported to the hill she had seen Silveny at

Aaaaaaand landed on the top of the hill

They tumbled down, still in each other's arms

Once they're rolling slowed down, they fell off of a tiny jutting ledge.

And the impact made him kiss her

Sophie and Keefe sat there stunned

Keef started to stand up, sitting on her belly without putting any pressure

"I'm sorry I-"

 And then Sophie did the most unexpected thing

She grabbed his shirt in her fist and pulled him back and kissed him for real this time

At first, it felt like satin pressed on her lips. Shimmery, slick, and smooth.

Then the satin glided on her nose

And her face

And her waist

Until she could feel satin on every square inch of her skin.

Then she felt a shift in gravity and felt like she was sitting on the moon, with fluffy clouds around her. Stars swirled around her, finally settling to sweep her hair into a delicate braid. Her wisps of hair were tucked behind her ear gently, and time became an irrelevant concept. She felt like when was waltzing on the clouds, twirling and swirling, her dress billowing out, stars on the hem.

She felt like her lense of the world was turned, like her eyes saw what they couldn't see before


Despite contrary belief, love was like a blue and purple mist, lifted her spirits and dancing with them. The cool the mist brought touched her skin and the feverish heat on her face melted into a content rosy color.

Her hands touched the wisps of Keefe's hair, wrapping it around her finger, rustling his hair, and fixing it again, sweeping it to one side or another, tucking it behind his ear,  and generally feeling its soft and velvety nature.

He plucked a violet from the ground and tucked it behind her ear. The petals brushed her forehead, and their damp, cool texture brought a smile to her lips

The pair smiled softly into the kiss. each thinking how did I get this?

My attempt at a "First kiss"

Doesn't really make sense, but eeeeeeeeeh

Cya qwerts!


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