Partners In crime

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The two of them shared a heated kiss before the girl said"let's get going, shall we?"

They ran into the bank

"Put the money in the bag" the man said "or else"

They pulled out their guns, and the trembling man did as he was told.

They grabbed the bag, and they heard the banker call the police. The sirens were coming closer. they both hopped on the motercycle, and the engine revved.

"You'll never take us alive!" called out the woman over her shoulder

And that's how Keefe Sencen and Sophie Foster ended up on the highway in a car chase.

They took a tiny turn into a dirt road, and hopped off of their motercycle, and ran into the old house. they jumped off the floor staircase, and landed in the basement. They ran to the trap door, sharing a heated kiss before entering.

They heard the pounding steps, and heard the trapdoor creak open. but before they could shoot, they levitated up, never once breaking the kiss, before they reached the the top floor, and looked at the dots of police officers.

"YOU'LL NEVER TAKE US ALIVE!" They shouted, before they balanced on the rail, grabbed each others hands and jumped off. Before they could hit the floor, Sophie teleported them to the void. 

"Where to now, my love?" Sophie asked Keefe, still smirking at the faces the police made

"Why must we leave?" he asked, smirking at her. she could feel the defiance surging through her veins

"I guess we don't" she said, pulling at his collar, and bringing him down to her lips and kissing her ferociously.

Backstory So You Know What the Fudge Is Going On

"Come on, Sophie!" Fitz yelled at her " you have to be the moonlark"

Sophie was fed up with him.

"What if I don't WANT to be the moonlark? What if I don't WANT to have a target above my head, just asking for a melder blast? What if I don't WANT to deal with your toxic land? Fix your own problems. I hereby disown the elves as any sort of relatives of mine. I can't stand you ALL!"

Sophie took one last look at his face, and promptly ran away

Keefe found her the next week. He didn't try to bring her back, just invited himself into her house, starting a new life as a human.

It was then she realized. She loved him.

After all of the confessions and awkwardness, they decided they weren't gonna be boyfriend and girlfriend

They were gonna be lovers, and partners in crime.

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