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"City is really calm."

"It usually is during the day." Soojin replied as she drove around the streets as Yuqi looked around, getting familiar with the new scenario. "Gangs usually work at night, with less visibility."

"What do we do about gangs?" Yuqi asked, turning to look at Soojin. "Shouldn't we be arresting more of them?"

"They keep out of our business and we keep out of theirs."

She knew that wasn't the answer Yuqi wanted to hear, she could tell the chinese girl had this idea she would change the world by fighting for justice, and be some kind of hero. 

"I don't get it-"

"Gangsters aren't the real bad guys here." It's all Soojin said, they really weren't the bad people in the scenario, at least not the baddest one, they're just pawns while the big bads were the people surrounded by money and good connections, who controlled business and people's careers.

Like Miyeon does. 

"They're criminals." The younger one argued with a frown. "Of course they are the bad guys." 

Soojin could only shrug. 

"You're young, you still have a lot to learn." 

Yuqi doesn't believe experience will change how she views those people, not when they steal and beat up innocent civilians and threaten them for 'protection money', that seemed like a choice, to be part of those groups and so she believes she's right to judge them even if Soojin thinks the opposite. 

"I don't need to be older to realize something is wrong, Sunbaenim." 

Soojin chuckles before shaking her head. 

"We'll see." 

They kept in silence as the older woman drove across the streets, the silence wasn't uncomfortable but it left them thinking; Yuqi came to the conclusion Soojin knew more than she let out, obviously, and seemed to know something about those gangs that she, as a rookie, didn't and while she wanted to question her, she knew it wasn't be place to interrogate her superior on her first day so she stayed quiet as she wrote down on her notebook what she had learn so far. 

Soojin suddenly stopped the car as the both of them heard a woman scream down the street alley and without thinking twice they left the car and Soojin pulled out her gun before running in, Yuqi stayed right behind, hand hovering over her own gun; They stopped once the woman run in their direction, the younger froze for a second as Soojin pointed her gun at the woman, making her stop.


"Don't move." Soojin told the woman. "What happened here?" She asked.

The woman was shaking and Yuqi didn't blame her as Soojin was pointing her gun at her, and Yuqi wasn't sure if she should pull her gun as well or let the older handle this. 

"We found a b-body by the end of the alley, next to the trash bags, I-I thought it was some drunk who passed out but his back has a k-knife in it." She said and Soojin finally lowered the gun before turning to Yuqi, who noticed the way she narrowed her eyes when she looked at her but the younger couldn't tell why. 

"Take this lady out of here and call for backup, I'll check this body." 

"Yes, Ma'am." She decided not to argue and with as much gentleness as possible she took the woman with her as Soojin made her way deeper into the alley, covering her nose as the smell of trash and dead body was too strong; The smell only made her remember things she didn't want to, she stopped as she spotted the body and sighed, obviously the body had been moved by the people who found him, would make investigations a bit harder, she frowned at the knife that was sank in his back, with a paper in it, the stab was not enough to kill him but definitely used as a signature for a message; Soojin could only assume whoever did this knew what they were doing and they most likely would find no fingerprints on that knife. 

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