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Hello, Author here!

First I would like to thank everyone who comments on this fic. I have been thinking about stopping writing this story due to the lack of feedback, Originally this story would stop at 30 chapters because of that, so the plot wasn't as fleshed out.

However, After the past comments I received, I'm really glad people seem to like this story, Your comments are always appreciated especially those who like to express their theories about what might happen.

Thanks to that, I have more motivation to keep on writing and might extend the story a bit, I hope to see more of your comments. Thank you so much!

Enjoy the chapter.


Soojin drove through the streets like crazy.

It was night, and the streets were empty, facilitating for the woman to go full speed to her destination; Not only Yuqi was a risk but Sophie as well.

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!" Soojin yelled, hitting her fist against the steering wheel as the traffic lights turn red, and a truck drives in front of her; She squeezed the steering wheel between her fingers as the seconds seem to take forever to pass.

They're going to die, It's all my fault.

The voices inside her head began to get louder again.

I'll be too late.

Soojin didn't wait for the lights to turn green and once the truck was out of the way she was speeding up again, hoping she would get in time to help; As approached the familiar streets she felt her blood turn ice cold as she spots the vehicle ahead, it was the police car however the front door was wide open.

Soojin quickly parked her car behind it and got out, running towards the vehicle, no signs of a struggle inside, but she spotted Yuqi's notebook on the floor of the car; She never left it behind so it means she left it in a hurry, she looked towards the house and pulled out her gun, trying to keep herself calm as she noticed that the lights were still turned on inside it.

She made her way towards the front door, which was open- not a good sign; She walked through the hallway and looked around with her gun in hand ready to shoot at any threat, the lights were turned on and the place was a mess, books, and chairs are thrown around and she noticed the TV was broken like something was thrown at it, Soojin gulped as she moved further into the house, down the hallway, and towards the rooms.

There were slippers across the floor, she knew those were Sophie and so she gulped, worried before she frowned at the muffled noises coming from the bathroom, the door was closed but the light coming from underneath and the noise indicated someone was in there, Soojin took a deep breath as she stood in front of it; She swang the door open and quickly pointed her gun to whoever was in front of her and gasped at the sight.

It was Yuqi.

Her hands and legs were tied up as she sat on the bathroom floor, her mouth was covered as well, and there was blood coming from a cut on the side of her head. She looked at Soojin with wide eyes and made even more desperate noises, finally getting the older woman to move.

"Don't worry, Kid! I got you," She took the piece of cloth from Yuqi's mouth right away, however before she could do anything else, Yuqi was quick to say.

"Go! He's still in here!" She said and Soojin's eyes widen. "Sophie is in the other room with him, just go help her-!"



Soojin stood up and ran towards Sophie's room, the door was locked and so she took a few steps back before kicking it down; First thing she noticed was the window broken, the room was trashed and the sheets were all over the ground and then she spotted Sophie, and she felt a knot in her throat.

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