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Soojin walked from one side to another waiting for Soohua's classes to be over; After what had happened, she felt it was for the best if she came to pick her up from school from now on. She was five minutes early, It didn't give her any chance to overthink the outcomes of the possibility of not getting to her in time; She stopped and leaned against the car, waiting for the students to come out when another car parked behind hers and she arched an eyebrow when the other woman came out of it.

"There's no way-" She muttered to herself as she saw Sophie of all people leaving the car and then stopping in her tracks once she spotted Soojin- Her eyes seemed wide with surprise but soon enough she smiled before approaching the woman who held back a groan.

"Officer Lee, A Pleasure to see you." The woman said before looking at the older up and down. " Chasing a criminal?"

"What are you doing here?"

"My little brother studies here." The woman replied. "It's his first day today."

Soojin wondered if fate was trying to mess with her by putting this woman in her life like this- Sophie smirked before leaning against Soojin's car as well, much to the older's surprise. The younger one didn't seem to take things as seriously as Soojin did and she seemed far more relaxed than her and there's her smile, Sophie smiled like she knows something Soojin doesn't and that bothers her.

"Do the kids always take so long to leave?" She asked, looking at the school building and Soojin crossed her arms, in silence. "You know, I'm just a poor foreigner girl and you should be more hospitable" She added moving away from the car and putting her hands on her hips. Soojin arched an eyebrow.

"We just came early." Soojin then explained. "You can ask their schedules to keep up properly."

"I'm sure Kai will keep up just fine."

"Kai?" Soojin didn't know much about foreigners, But that didn't sound like it would be a common name in Canada; The other seemed to not notice her confusion because she just nodded. "How old is he?"

"Are you trying to know more about my family? That's cute." Sophie replied and Soojin held back a groan. "He's 16 and if you're curious, I'm 38." She winked after and that took the other off guard.



Whatever Soojin wanted to say was interrupted by the sound of the students coming out of the building and talking with each other and soon enough she spotted Soohua in the crowd with some people and a boy she has never seen before, he had blonde hair pushed back and in the back of her mind, She had the feeling she saw him somewhere but couldn't put a finger on it, She also prayed this wasn't who she thinks it is.

"Kai!" Sophie called and the boy looked at them and Soojin cursed fate again; Soohua seemed surprised, not by Soojin's presence but because she was seeing the unnie that helped her the other day, right next to her mom; The two teenagers made their way towards them and Soojin thinks Kai looks nothing like Sophie but kept the comment to herself.

"Unnie, How cool to see you again," Soohua said to the younger woman.

"I just came to pick up this little guy." She reached for the side of Kai's head and messed with his hair. Little Guy is not something Soojin would call him, the boy was taller than all of them, but so are most kids nowadays. "It's his first day. Say hello to Soojin-ssi, Kai."

The boy bowed, awkwardly. He seemed nervous as he looked at her, and Soojin could only assume he was shy.

"How was your first day?" Soojin asked, she hates small talk, but got herself stuck in this situation somehow. Plus Soohua seemed excited to make a new friend and so she was as polite as possible.

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