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Shuhua had a hard time focusing on only one thing, She had far too much energy that not even Soojin could help her spend it– with all that comes the random fixations, one time she played a whole video game series in one sitting, in the following week she entered sports before dropping because it was too dull and now she developed a new found fixation: that being board games. Soojin didn't like it, she had no patience for it nor could she bring herself to be the strategic type, so the young girl's best next subject was Miyeon– Who was glad to indulge her and whatever new hobby she got for now.

While they played, Soojin finished her homework, it was late at night and as Suwei and Iseul talked in the other room, Huang went to the kitchen to grab some wine for his wife, Minjun had left earlier, after dinner.

"That's not a legal move," Miyeon comments as Shuhua moves her cannon. "You can't move those pieces–"

"It's a legal move in Taiwan," Shuhua replied with a shrug before she leaned back in her chair, Soojin looked at them before shaking her head.

"It's not fair to play by different rules," Miyeon replied, moving her pieces. "Especially when the opponent doesn't know them."

"Maybe you should adapt better."

Instead of board games, to Soojin it felt like this was just Miyeon's calm personality vs. Shuhua's need to be on top, it was entertaining and a little worrying to watch– She shook her head again as Shuhua turned to look at her.

"Jin-ah, Which rules should we follow?"

"This is South Korea–" Miyeon interrupted. "You follow our rules,"

"It's my house," Shuhua argued, "I should pick which rules we follow."

"Not without telling me first," Miyeon complained, moving another piece; Shuhua stared at the board with a frown. "It 's not fair." She repeated.

"The rules of the game don't matter," She moved another piece. "If you know how to think ahead–" She smirked before her next move. "Checkmate!"

Miyeon groaned.


She doesn't know if Soojin was caught, or even if Soohua was unharmed, So she kept a blank stare as she sat across YSH at the dinner table. Miyeon took the moment to take notice of the few features she was able to see through her mask, her skin was pale like snow, her lips were pink and her eyes had a gray tone to them, She wore gloves so nothing she could spot on her hands, Miyeon was aware she wasn't going to be hurt physically, if that was the case she wouldn't be sitting at the dinner table so casually while the woman in front of her analyzed her so intensely.

She'll rely on mind games instead, Miyeon knows this; Using her fears against her, and the fact she can't communicate with Soojin right now, and so she prepares herself to stay strong and stoic for as long as she can.

The lapdog, as Miyeon calls him, placed a soju bottle next to a water bottle in front of her, as well as two glasses, she stared at it, and despite being confused she kept her blank expression as she stared into the other's eyes.

"Thirsty?" She asked, reaching for the soju bottle and pouring some for herself.

"No." Miyeon knew better than to drink anything in a hostile environment, YSH seemed to realize that as she smiled before nodding to herself as she leaned back against her chair.

"Didn't think you would be," She smiled as another woman walked in, also wearing a mask and as she made her way to the boss, Miyeon watched as she leaned to whisper something in her ear. YSH listened before smiling as she stared at Miyeon once again. "Leave us."

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