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"Where were you?" Shuhua got startled by Soojin's voice as she tried to walk past the kitchen, but the older woman was in there already preparing breakfast– She looked at Shuhua from over her shoulder and then arched an eyebrow. "Wearing different clothes." She comments, and the other can sense bitterness in her words.

She decides to approach Soojin who didn't move from her spot but kept looking over her shoulder as the younger approached.

"Were you waiting for me?"

"Yes," Soojin replied. "Where were you? With who?"

"Ah, It's like being married again," Shuhua joked as she hugged Soojin from behind and the other only groaned and focused on frying the eggs in the pan. "Do you need to know where I was?"

"Yes, I was worried!" She mumbled and Shuhua placed her chin on her shoulder. "I called and you didn't pick up either, I thought something bad happened, and then–"

"Shhh-" Shuhua said against her ear as she hugged her a bit tighter. "Breath. There's no need to panic," She explained. "I'm right here, with you"

Being alive doesn't mean that watching her die so many years ago didn't traumatize Soojin, so she doesn't blame her for expecting the worst or panicking when she's away.

"I visited a friend to discuss business and my phone was on silent," She calmly explained and Soojin relaxed, Shuhua reached for the stove and turned it off so they could stay like this for longer without worrying; Shuhua turned her face to look at Soojin. "Were you really worried?"

Soojin pressed her forehead against Shuhua's and took a deep breath, taking the peach scent in as she internally reminded herself that her Shuhua was there, she was actually there, and that this wasn't a dream.

"Yes, I was... Afraid that you left me again." She mumbled and Shuhua touched the older one's nose with her own and smiled slightly. "I don't want to be alone again."

"You'll never be alone again," Shuhua said. "I promise you, I'll kill as many people as I have to if it means we'll stay together," She claimed. A whisper, but with so much passion in her voice that Soojin felt an unfamiliar feeling in her stomach at her words and her tone, so close to her ear. "You're all I have left, Soojin."

The words bring comfort, in a twisted way and soon enough her worries drift away and she looks into Shuhua's eyes– The silver contacts suited her in a way that made Soojin's knees shake as she stared at her so intensely; Her eyes glanced down, just for a second, enough to see how the other licked her lips.

"I will protect you," Shuhua claimed. "I'm the only one who can, not Miyeon or Nicha or even Hui. It's me, just me–" She held Soojin's face in her hand, caressing the soft, full cheeks with her thumb.

"Only you," Soojin agreed– Being protected was a feeling she wasn't used to, but with the way the younger woman held her. She felt safe.

"I'm taking Soohua with me later," Shuhua said against her ear and Soojin held and caressed the arms wrapped around her. "Then at night, You'll go out with me."

"Where are you taking Soohua?" She asked, looking back at Shuhua.

"Shopping. She's into that girly stuff–" She replied before taking a step forward and now Soojin was pressed between the counter and Shuhua's body. "Then at night, You and I will go to this nightclub I like."


"You'll like it," Shuhua said. "Besides, you need to go out and relax more often,"

"I like being at home doing nothing and not having to interact with people,"

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