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"You're gonna wish you
Never had met me"


A new life as someone else meant new names, addresses, and new birthdays; In her new birth certificate, she was born on May 20, 2000. Anything that could connect her to Yeh Shuhua was erased, however, every January 6th she couldn't help the emptiness in her chest as she thinks if she was still back home she would be celebrating her birthday with the girls right now– She was currently switching channels as Yeri made popcorn for them, they were planning on watching movies all night and while it was a normal day for the younger, She decided to take this as a late birthday gift, even if Yeri didn't know.

She yawned as she went through the channels, Sports channels bored the hell out of her so she switched to the news and rolled her eyes at the news of some influencer putting their pets at risk for views again.

"And now for the global news–" Yeri entered the living room just in time with two bowls of popcorn as both hated to share it.

"Who died this time?" She asked, and Sophie laughed before looking at the screen– Probably some politician.

"– After an explosion, Lee Hwiyoung, The husband of the Millionaire Cho Miyeon, Died almost instantly" Her smile faded as she felt a bitter taste in her mouth and the urge to cry as her throat began to burn– She knew better than to show a reaction.

"Wow," Yeri said. "The car exploded with him inside?" She looked at her girlfriend and noticed her gaze fixed on the TV. "Love? Are you okay?"

"Huh? Ah, Yes–" She smiled before pulling her closer. "I just... I don't like those types of news," She said, before changing the channel and hoping to forget the image of Miyeon crying in the footage of the funeral.

She always hated seeing in pain.


She couldn't mourn Hwiyoung– She wasn't allowed to as anybody but her parents knew who he was, and so she suffered in silence, Thinking about Miyeon and her daughter all alone.

As the months passed by, Her relationship with Yeri only grew and she was, so far, the only good thing that came out of running away from her other life and leaving everything behind– And so there she was, wearing white while waiting for Yeri to arrive in the garden; When she was younger she always thought her wedding would be in a church and always dreaded the idea of a husband, however, she felt happy right now, especially as she finally saw Yeri also in white, despite Wendy's jokes about purity to piss her off.

She felt happy, seeing the younger woman come to her, smiling wide; Yet, as she looked around, and sees Yeri's mother, her siblings, and other relatives she realizes how little of her family is truly here– She was getting married for the first time like she once dreaded to, but none of the most important people in her life beside her parents were there and her smile faltered for a second as her eyes teared up, thankfully everybody just assumed she was emotional over her future wife.

They celebrated in the mansion Like Irene did many years ago– and the party was just as lively, but this time only those who were close to the brides were invited– No business connections, only their families and friends.

"I have a mission for you," Is what Irene told her, after pulling her aside in the middle of the party; Sophie frowned but listened to what the older woman had to say. "Victor, one of our partners, has been working with the police and I need you to finish him off," She comments.

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