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 Silence. Soojin and Shuhua stared at each other for what felt like hours, none dared to move or say anything, Soojin's mind was racing as she started to try and think about how any of this was possible, how was Shuhua in front of her after all those years, after Soojin's saw her body– Meanwhile Shuhua looked back at her, trying to think of something to say, to buy herself some time as she could tell the other was connecting the dots quicker than she should.

"Why," She started, forcing a laugh. "Why did you call me Shuhua, that's weird–" She walked around the kitchen counter, approaching Soojin slowly. "I'm Sophie, remember?" She asked, but Soojin didn't answer, she only stared at her, scanning her face and paying attention to every detail.

"Shuhua," It's all Soojin said. "You're Shuhua, Stop trying to lie to me." She continued as she approached the woman and for a moment the other was afraid Soojin would scream, or punch her in the face however she grabbed her face into her hands. "Shuhua... I–" She doesn't answer, she only lets Soojin do what she wants since the woman was so caught up on the feeling of having her back that her mind didn't quite register the severity of it just yet.


"I mourned you." She stayed quiet as she heard those words. "I cried for you every single day, for the past 20 years." She brings their heads closer, foreheads touching and she looks into the other's eyes. "I begged to all gods out there to bring you back to me, to bring you all back to me–"

Shuhua reached for the back of her neck, bringing Soojin closer and burying her face into her neck and holding the woman into an embrace that she knew Soojin wanted so much, but no more than her and for a moment she allowed herself to enjoy something as she heard Soojin sobbing against her neck, her hands turned into fists against her shirt as she hugged her tight.

"You're back, you came back to me."

Soojin wasn't supposed to know about her, not this soon and so she had no idea what to say to her, how to explain to her everything that had happened in those years she was far away and that Soojin spent mourning; Then she took a step back to look at Shuhua again, and the younger kept her guard up and waited for whatever action she takes.

"Are you... YSH?" She asked, frowning as her feelings began to calm down and reason began to get to her; Shuhua nodded without saying anything. "You killed all those people–"

"I did, they were criminals and deserved it." It wasn't the only reason, but it was the reason Shuhua chose to keep her mind at peace. Soojin then moved away completely, trying to process the situation.

"You sent me that pajama with blood on it..." Soojin mentioned, looking down and then looking at Shuhua again. "Why would you–"

"I needed to know if it was you," She replied. "There's a lot of Lee Soojin out there," She added as Soojin paced from one side to another. "Only you would have a strong reaction–"

"Then you kidnapped Soohua," Soojin then yelled, the relief and happiness from having Shuhua back have now been replaced by anger as she fully realizes everything that has happened. "You kidnapped my daughter!"

"Well, I didn't hurt her. You saw that yourself, I only needed her to–" She stopped as she realized where this conversation was going and Soojin realized the same as she frowned.

"You tried to kill Miyeon, several times." Soojin pointed out. "Why? We were friends, Us and them, Nicha and Miyeon." She began to pace again. "You had her daughter in danger too," She stopped again. "Are you the reason behind Hwiyoung–"

"I would never kill Hwiyoung." Shuhua defended herself right away. "That had nothing to do with me."

"Then why? Miyeon is our family, remember?" Soojin asked. "But here you are trying to kill her–"

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