New Secretary

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No ones pov
Jero (jennie) Kim one of the youngest most richest CEO in Korea he is also known to be cold he has a best friend named Kim Jisoo and one day she met a girl named Lisa who is going to be his new secretary, do you think Lisa will change a cold hearted CEO Jero?
J's pov
"Why is this paper work not finished!? " I shouted at my worthless secretary "I'm s-sorry sir, I-I couldn't focus" she said stuttering "your worthless, your fired get out! " I said angrily. She couldn't say anything and just left crying "pathetic " I muttered.
Ji's pov
I heard shouting from my best friends office and his secretary came out crying, I opened his door "hey bro, what's wrong? " I asked he looked at me frustrated "I need a new secretary" he said coldly "ugh that's the seventh time you said that" I said rubbing my forehead "btw there is a girl applying for your secretary outside" I told him "tell her to come here" he said coldly (again cold ass×_×) I just nodded and called the yellow haired girl outside "anyway I have places to be so bye and be nice to her she just moved here and she is my friend" I told him.
L's pov
God I'm nervous as I went inside his office "hi s-sir" shit keep it together lisa! Damn his kinda hot shit why am I turned on!?, he looked at me coldly "hi" he shortly said "where are your requirements? " he asked "here, sir" I said giving him my requirements. He read it and looked at me which made me more nervous "your hired" he said "r-really sir? " I asked he nodded YES!.
j's pov
Damn her voice is kinda hot what!? What am I saying. Shit Junior's awake! Shit!. I told her that she can start tomorrow as she was about to leave I quickly stand up and said "wait!" She looked at confused, I walked to her and held her waist pulling her close to me and slowly kissing her lips which made her shocked but kissed back after a few seconds.
L's pov
My boss is kissing me shit! After a few seconds I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him more closer to me. He carried me into a secret bedroom in his office and layed me on the bed and went down to my neck finding my pulse and sucked it making me moan. He slowly removed my all clothes I helped him remove it and removed his. He positioned his 🍆 to my entrance "are you ready baby? " he said seductively "yes daddy~ but please wear protection" I said to him he nodded then putting on protection "going now baby" he said, I nodded.
J's pov
I entered my 🍆 to her entrance, she moaned softly damn her moans are music to my ears "so tight! " I groaned "your so big! " she screamed. After she adjusted to my size(which is 11 inch💀) "f-faster daddy" she begged and I fastened my pace "I'm coming! " she screamed which made me thrust into her harder and deeper "AH! " she screamed as she came. "Lisa? That's your name right? " I asked her, she nodded "your not going to be my secretary because your going to be my girlfriend and my future wife" I said making her shocked "r-really? " she said still shocked "yes" I said to her and kissed her forehead "good night baby, I know your tired I love you" (ps it was Friday there and they only work half day which means when it gets 12:00 means home time and there were no one at the building other than them,sorry for not mentioning)"I love you too hon" she said giving me a peck on my lips and giving me a soft smile before hugging me tight and we both fell into a deep slumber (pew help I'm kinda running out of ideas💀 message me if y'all have any ideas for any kind of short stories, I'll try to think for more stories btw making a book called new secretary I'm gonna consider this as the part 1 hehe nyt nyt<3!)

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