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L's pov
I'm here in my office burrying myself into paper work time pass I'm still in here working I didn't eat my lunch and my stomach is growling but I just drink water time pass again my stomach is still growling but I just keep on drinking water. Afternoon pasted and it's almost home time, I'm nearly finished with my work "just one more and done " time pass I finally finished my work and headed straight home.
J's pov
I'm waiting for Lisa it's really late why is she not back yet, I heard the door open it was her "lili where were you it's so late are you hungry? " I asked and she just nodded her eyes were druppy and tired " are you ok? You seem really exhausted, do you wanna go to bed?" I asked worried "no I want to eat I didn't eat my lunch I'm starving" she said exhaustedly "what!? You didn't eat lunch? Why didn't you? " I said "I was to busy with paper work" I sighed "ok sit here on the couch I'll get you some food " she nodded and sat down. I went to the kitchen and cooked her dinner
°after some time°
I finished cooking and went to get water and went straight to her, "hey lili here's your food, sit up I'll feed you" I said putting down the food then helping her sit up "say ahh~" I said she opened her mouth I put the spoon filled with rice and some eggs and bacon , she chewed and swallowed. She opened her mouth and put a spoon full of food again she chewed and swallowed, the same sequence happen until the food is all gone. I gave her water, I then carried her to our bedroom and changed her before laying her on our bed.
No ones pov
Jennie kissed her girlfriend's forehead saying goodnight before going to the bathroom to take a shower.
°After some minutes°
Jennie came out of the bathroom all showered up and went to the closet and wore her pajamas then laying down on her bed next to Lisa. Lisa turned around facing Jennie "hey nini" she said kissing jennies lips "hey lili, you know you should be asleep your really tired " Jennie said caressing Lisa's cheeks. "Can we cuddle to sleep? " lisa asked Jennie nodded before cuddling her girlfriend. They both fell asleep.
(Hey y'all I know I haven't been publishing parts right now and I'm sorry I was gonna base this idea on the conflict that us blinks and lilis are facing because of Lisa being positive in covid which is kind of a bummer, I mean not to lie but we were all happy yesterday because ot4 is back but this happened anyway I was gonna base this on that but it might make us even more sad so I chose to not do it and I really am sorry for not publishing for a while and this is kinda short again anyway goodnight love y'all <3)

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