room mate

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No ones pov
Jennie and Lisa had been room mates for a long time and Lisa had developed love towards Jennie but she tries to stop it because she has a boyfriend but unfortunately she failed.
J's pov
I was laying on my bed bored when Lisa came in crying drunk, I know she came from the bar because of a break up because she saw her boyfriend cheating on her. "Hey what's wrong? " I asked concerned I hate seeing her like this "you were right I shouldn't have answered him" she said sobbing sitting on the side of my bed, I hugged her comforting her "shh it's ok you'll find the right person for you" I said "you think so? " she said "yes" I said wiping her tears using my thumb, I looked into her eyes. After a few moments of staring into each other's eyes, I slowly leaned and kissed her and she kissed back, I slowly layed her down.
(Yeah uh.. So something happened between them sorry I can't right the wild part cause I'm in public right now hahahaha, anyway back to the story)
L's pov
I woke up because I felt someone kissing my face softly "good morning baby" Jennie said "argh my head "   "you were wild last night" she said and all the memories from last night came rushing to me(bed creeks,moans,rubbing, etc. )and made me blush hard "hey I think I found the right person for me now" I said happily "really? Who? " she asked "you silly" I said laughing a bit "me? "   "yes you now come here and cuddle me~" I said in my baby voice making her chuckle "ok ok come here my baby" and we cuddled for the whole morning not minding the time since it's Saturday. THE END. (I'll publish another part later hehe  btw did y'all eat yet? <3)

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