water fountain

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No ones pov
Jennie and lisa were the greatest friends they did everything together hanged out together, eat together, mostly did everything that best friends does but they were sadly separated because lisa had to go to Thailand for her studies, she told Jennie and Jennie understood and promised to wait for her to come back and she also told her that she loves her by the water fountain where they first met.
*few years later*
L's pov
I'm now at the airport, I just came back from Thailand. I went straight to Jennie's house and knocked someone opened the door but to my shock it wasn't Jennie "can I help you? " a lady in her 50's asked me "oh uhm I'm looking for Jennie kim" I said "is she her? " I asked "oh I'm sorry dear but she doesn't live here anymore, she moved " the lady told me "she moved to the address ******" she said "oh thank you" I said before biding good bye. I went to the address the lady told me, I went to the house and knocked someone opened the door it was her mom "oh lisa your back" she said "hi Ms Kim is jennie here? "I asked " no she isn't she went to the water fountain again" ms Kim said "again? " I asked "she goes there ever since you left for Thailand" she said which made my heart ache "ah ok" I said "you should go there she's probably be there" she said I nodded and left and went to the fountain. I got to the fountain and I saw a girl crying I walked towards her I could hear her say "I miss you so much please come back to me" she said sobbing as I got closer and closer to her I recognized her is... Is she.. "Jennie?" I asked she turned around and said "please leave m- l-lili!? Lili! " she said and ran towards me and hugged me tight not wanting to let go.
J's pov
She's back! She's really back! "Lili I missed you so much! " I said still sobbing while hugging her tight "shh shh stop crying now, I'm here" she said rubbing my back "what t-took you so long to come back? " I asked calming down a bit "I'm sorry nini it's just you know my studies got a bit complicated" she said "why didn't you tell me y-you were coming back" I said "I wanted to surprise you but I was the one surprised because I saw my baby nini crying" she said kissing my forehead "I'm sorry " I said "sorry for what baby? " she asked "I'm sorry you saw me like this.. " I said "oh there is no need to say sorry nini, I understand" she said kissing my lips and I respond.
No ones pov
Jennie and lisa kissed like there is no tomorrow after 1 minute Jennie softly broke the kiss they were both panting "Lili? " Jennie asked "yes nini? " said lisa "can I be your boyfriend? " Jennie asked "oh nini of course you can" lisa said with a voice like silk "really Lili? " Jennie asked full of excitement "yes" lisa said and with that they kissed again.
°after a few months°
J's pov
Today is our anniversary and I'm gonna surprise her by pretending I don't remember "nini do you know what day it is? " she said smiling "it's Monday" our anniversary day I said acting like I don't know "you don't remember? " she said "remember... What? " I asked  she frowned I'm sorry baby but I have to do this for the surprise "come on go get changed we're gonna go somewhere" I said standing up "ok.. " she said sad and went to the bathroom and got ready. After a few minutes we are now both ready and went to the place where the surprise is. We got of the car "here wear this" I handed her a blindfold.
Ls pov
"A blindfold? " I asked "yes put it on" she said I nodded and wore it "hold my hand" Jennie said I held her hand and she started guiding me somewhere "where are we going? " I asked "you'll see honey" she said. We kept walking and walking for a long time, she suddenly stopped and let go of my hand "nini where did you go!? " I asked "take off the blindfold Lili" she said I took of the blindfold and I saw something that made me tear up "tadaa! Happy anniversary Lili! " she said

 We kept walking and walking for a long time, she suddenly stopped and let go of my hand "nini where did you go!? " I asked "take off the blindfold Lili" she said I took of the blindfold and I saw something that made me tear up "tadaa! Happy anniv...

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this is what I saw. "Nini I thought you forgot" I said crying "oh why would I forget our anniversary" she said hugging me "now come inside " she said, we went into the tent and cuddled looking at the stars "Happy anniversary nini" I said "happy anniversary too Lili" she said and kissed me this is the happiest day of my life. THE END. (Sorry I wasn't publishing I have exam and it's really near ugh! Anyway did you guys eat? Have a great day<3!)

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