complete me

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No ones pov
Jennie and Lisa were together for many years but Jennie's fatger except her mom doesn't like Lisa because she's poor but little did they know Lisa is more richer than them.
J's pov
"Jennie just break up with her she's poor! " my mom shouted "no! Just because she's poor doesn't mean you can say that, she loves me and I love her too you can't just make someone break up with the people they love! " I shouted back ragging with anger "fine! If you don't do anything about it then I will! " my mom said before walking straight up to Lisa and shouted at her "Lisa break up with my daughter I don't want her to be with you! " she said "b-but I can't I love her " she said "well break up with her! " she shouted again.
L's pov
I was shocked of the words coming from Jennie's mom, I was gonna cry when she whispered "please just break up with her, I'm not forcing you, please my husband is forcing me to do this he said that if I don't make you break up with her he'll do something to you and I don't want that please I want you to be with my daughter but not as long as her dads alive but don't worry I'll so something to remove him even if it means killing him " she said with tears then went back to pretending to be angry at me "so please miss Lisa break up with my daughter! " she said "please.. " she said in a whisper, I agreed but I didn't hate miss kim she's just doing this for me and her daughter. I told Jennie that were breaking up but I secretly told her why and told her not to tell anyone not her mom not her dad not anyone, she agreed. I packed all of my things and was about to leave "ah finally the poor rat is leaving " Jennie's dad said which made Jennie and her mom grit their teeth stopping themselves from killing him, I just ignored him and left , when I went home my parents said that were going to Thailand for a few months.
I remembered the plan that miss kim told me that she gonna put something in her husbands drink later because she new that he's gonna celebrate.
No ones pov
After 6 months Lisa went back to Korea she and her family just got home, she was laying on her bed when she received a message from miss kim
Miss kim:Lisa he's dead
Lisa:did the plan I told you work?
Miss kim:yes
Lisa:good oh and tell Jennie to come to ******
Miss kim: sure, oh and are  your parents home?
Lisa:yes why?
Miss kim:nothing I just want to meet the parents of my future daughter in law
Lisa:aww sure I'll tell them
Miss kim:ah thank you tell them to come to our house
Lisa:yes I will bye!
Ms. K:bye!
"Hey mom dad, Jennie's mom said to go to their house later she said she wants to meet you guys" I told my parents "oh sure honey" mom said "bye mom, I'm going out" I said before leaving "ok be careful" I nodded and waved. I went to the address I told Ms. K to tell Jennie to go, I sat to the tables next to the window and waited. I got bored so I scrolled on my phone, oh and if your wondering about what was the plan I told Ms. K, well I told her to put something in her husband's drink hahahaha.
Ms. K pov
"Jennie go get ready" I told my daughter "why mom? " she asked "your going to meet someone" I said "who? "     "you'll see, now go get ready" she nodded and went to her room to get ready. After I few

inutes she went down all changed "go to ****** you'll meet her there " I told her "now go don't keep her waiting" I said and she went there.
J's pov
I was driving headed to the place my mom told me to go, I didn't know who I was meeting so I just went there. I entered the place it was pretty I guess until I saw a familiar girl is she the one I'm meeting? , I went closer to the girl. Wait.. Is that! "Lisa? " I said she looked up "hi nini" she said smiling "oh my goodness it is you! " I said hugging her while tears escape my eyes, she hugged back "shh don't cry" she said wiping my tears with her thumb "I missed y-you" I said still sobbing a bit "I missed you too" she said "why did you have to leave korea? " I asked "I'm sorry nini if I left korea I just went to Thailand for a few months" she said "months!? It was years to me " I said sobbing again (author:tsk cry baby. jen: will get back to the story!. Author:ok ok sheesh no need to be mad!) "I'm really sorry my baby" Lisa said kissing my forehead "but I'm her now and I will never leave you again" she said.
L's pov
"Promise? " she said "promise" I said smiling. She hugged me "I love you" she whispered "I love you more my baby nini" I said earning a soft chuckle I missed her chuckles mostly everything about her is what I miss, "nini now that I'm here, let's catch up and no one I mean no one will ever make me make us break up or leave each other ever again" she smiled "I really missed you" she said "I missed you too" I kissed her forehead then kissed her lips passionately. Jennie kim you complete me. THE END. (Woah that was unexpectedly long hahahaha sorry it took me this long to publish and thanks for the idea PranpriyaLisaKiManob and uh.... I'm running low on ideas again ugh! These assignments are really draining my ideas anyway have a great day<3!)

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