Naughty Lili

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I came home from work tired and exhausted. I was gonna take a little nap when someone called, it was my girlfriend Lisa. I answered it "hey baby" she said in a cute tone "hey~" I said "are you busy? " she asked "no, why? " I asked her curiously "can I come a your house? Please~" she said to me in a baby tone, ack! I can't ignore this adorable baby"of course baby, I'm bored any way" I said happily because she's going to come here "yay! I'll be there in a minute" I laughed "ok ok take care! " she giggled "ok bye! ".
I reached my girlfriend house and I knocked on her door. With no time wasted she opened the door " hey baby!" She said to me "hi~ how are you? " I asked her and hugged her tightly , she hugged me back "I'm ok baby" I chuckled "I missed you" she smiled "I missed you too" "can we watch a movie? " I asked her "sure why not" she laughed a little "yay! Can we watch a romantic movie? " "ok~"
I'm here watching a romantic movie with my girlfriend, "hey, you ok? " my girlfriend asked me "yes, why" "oh ok, you don't like the movie? " she asked me "huh? No I love it but I feel awkward when I see you watching bee scenes" she frowned a bit "do you to change it? " "no" she smiled a bit "ok" phew I don't know what I'll do if my baby  cries or gets sad
I'm here watching a romantic movie with my gf when a bed scene comes and I felt that her breath rised up a bit, I suddenly felt horny and I held her crotch she gasped "b-baby what are you doing? " she asked nervously "hm daddy~ I need you~" I said making her gulp.. HARD "wanna do the scene daddy? " I asked, she look at me saying  "baby are you sure? " she said her voice changed I know that she's turned on but even though she is she's still gentle aww. I nodded and she leaned and kissed me gently but full with passion I moaned softly because I felt her hand cupp my wet pussy "damn baby, your wet already? " she said to my ear I moaned when she licked my earlobe.
Moments later.. (Sorry I'm a bit lazy😪)
No ones pov
They were both naked on the couch, jennie positioned her 🍆 to Lisa's 😺 "are you ready baby? " she asked the yellow haired girl, the girl could only nod not being able to speak because of the pleasure. Jennie slowly entered his 🍆 to her 😺 Lisa moaned loudly holding tightly to the couch after a few minutes jennie fastened her pace making Lisa moan louder
After a few rounds
J's pov
I collapse on my girls breast breathing heavily "that was so hot" she said "yeah, let's go to the bedroom and sleep I know your tired" I said and she nodded I carried her in a bridal style I layed her slowly and then laying right next to her "good night baby" I said kissing her forehead "night night" she said and we both fell into deep slumber.
(Whoa damn! This two are  wild anyway sorry if I had to use emojis hehe I'll work on the next part)

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