arranged marriage

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No ones pov
Lisa had been arranged for marriage with hanbin, Lisa had been showing her love toward hanbin but hanbin keeps on refusing and pushing her aside always telling her that this is just an arragned marriage and he's only doing this to solve each other's family companies problems. Few months later Lisa had lost that love for him when  she met Jennie, as for hanbin he had been missing Lisa's love for him and tried to get that love back but was to late.
L's pov
I am heading home now from my dad's office and with divorce papers, my dad said that the company's problems are solved and I can divorce hanbin if I want to so I am, I got home now and opened the door, hanbin had hugged me but I pushed him "welcome home love" he said "please don't hug me or in anyway touch me and also don't call me that" I said in my cold voice "here sign this" I said giving him the papers, his face dropped "d-divorce papers? " he said in the verge of crying "yes, now sign it so I can leave" I said "no, please Lisa don't do this" he begged "what? Hahahaha didn't you want this, I mean you've been telling me this since I don't know last year when I was showing you my love! "I shouted angrily " I know please don't do this I love you" he said crying "then if you love me sign the divorce papers and let me go. So I can be with the person I love! " I shouted again "no! You only love me! " he said "no I don't, I love someone else and that someone is Jennie Kim! " I said full of anger "no thats not true" he said crying even harder "please just sign the divorce" I said, "and besides just like you said once the problem is solved I'll divorce you, so I'm doing you a favor and don't make it hard. Just sign the paper! " I said. He couldn't think of anything else to say and just signed the divorce papers while weeping "thank you, and also don't pretend that your sad you should be happy because you can now be with your mistress" I said before smash closing the door leaving me alone. I went to Jennie's house.
J's pov
I was waiting for Lisa to come home, I heard the door open it was Lisa "hey! " I said "hey " she said before sitting on the couch "what's wrong? " I asked "I divorced hanbin" she said "you did? " I said "yes, and I feel a bit guilty" she said pouting "why? " I asked " well he's been showing me that he's changed but wait why am I even guilty I mean he's do one who had hurt me for like a year "    "yeah why are even guilty hahahaha" I said laughing a bit "Anyway can we cuddle please? " she asked "of course baby" and we cuddled.
No ones pov
Months pass Jennie and Lisa are now married with 2 beautiful children ella and Liam, "kids get up time for school" Lisa shouted from the kitchen "ok mom just a bit we're taking a bath! " ella shouted back, a few minutes later the whole family is done eating and now going to school "bye hon I'm taking the kids to school" Jennie said to her wife "ok and can you buy me ice cream when you come home? " Lisa said "sure thing! Babye! " they said waving good bye, after a few minutes Jennie has come home with ice cream "hey hon! " said Jennie "hey honey did you get the ice cream? " her wife asked "yes I did" Jennie said raising the plastic bag that has ice cream inside "yesh!" Lisa squeled happily "thank you hon "   " your welcome my baby" Jennie said before kissing the lips of her wife and they ate the ice cream together and watched a movie while the their kids are at school. THE END(how are you all?ugh! I feel like this is short too anyway have a good night<3!)

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