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J's pov
I'm her at our schools gate waiting for that nerd(aka my crush), I saw her she was gonna leave but I pulled her into an alley where no one goes "hey nerd! " I said I could see fear in her eyes but still tried to be calm "what do you want Jero!? Bully me!? Go on I won't stop you! " she shouted which made me shocked "so, your shouting at me now huh!? "I shouted back " what!? Am I not right every day you bully me causing me pain! "She shouted which made my heart crack and I couldn't help stop tmy tears from rolling down on my cheek " I- I'm sorry "I said lowering my head down while crying.
L's pov
" I- I'm sorry " he said crying it made me shocked "why are you crying? " I said though I am angry at him I am concerned because the past few days I have been having feelings for him even though he is my bully "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause you pain" he said, slowly sitting on the ground "wh-what do you mean? " I asked him "I love you lisa and pretending to be your bully was the only way I could think of getting close to you" he said crying even harder. I went closer to him and hugged him tight and he hugged me back "I really am sorry" he said crying on my shoulder "and the truth is I love you too" I said and he looked at me with tears still in his eyes "really? " he asked "yes" I said smiling softly "can you forgive m-me? " he asked "yes, I forgive you" I said cupping his face and slowly kissing him. After a few minutes I slowly break the kiss "c-can I court you? " he said nervously "no" I shortly said which made him tears up again looking down again and I suddenly held his chin up saying "because let's just make it official" I softly said to him "r-really?, you m-mean it? " he asked "yes, baby I do" and with that I kissed him again and this time he kissed back. THE END.
(Hoo done I will work on what you said miss Ruby Jane 663😉stay tuned! Nyt y'all sweet dreams<3)

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