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L's pov
I'm here at the bar again because I had a fight with my sister again and I'm trying to wash it off again with alcohol "one more please" I said "sure, so another fight? " seulgi asked "yeah.. " I said "you know you can stop your getting really drunk" she said "nah it's ok" I said "hm ok anyway here" she said giving me a glass of whisky "thanks " . "Oh hey Jennie! " seulgi explaimed "hey" a girl said "been long time, oh Lisa this is Jennie kim one of my friends that come here" seulgi introduced her to me "hey" she said "hi".
J's pov
" so you come here often? "I asked " ah no I only come here when I have problems haha" she said "oh ok then", after a few more shots she got drunk seulgi to take care of her because she doesn't want her to go home at her state so I took her to my house and layed her on the guest room bed, as I was about to leave she suddenly held my hand " stay.. Please "she said still a bit drunk. I could say no so I just laid down next to her and she hugged me burying her face on the crook of my neck and when she hugged me I.. I felt calm safe..
No ones pov
Morning, Jennie had woken up she saw Lisa still sleeping, she smiled and slowly woke her up, the girl woke up " hey.. " Lisa said "hey" said Jennie "ah my head hurts wha-what happened? "    "you were drunk last night I didn't know where you live so I just took you to my house, you were quite a cuddler aren't you" the brunnete said which made the girl blush and hid her face again on the crook of Jennie's neck "hey uhm Lisa " Jennie said "yeah? "    "I know we've just met last night but I think I love you" Jennie said "ha? Really? Well that's good cause I love you too"   "you do? " asked the brunnete "yes, I guess when I saw you at the bar last night it was love at first sight " said the girl "I guess so, hey uhm can I be your girlfriend? "    "sure why not, and uhm can we cuddle for a while? " Lisa said "sure " they cuddled. THE END. (Happy Sunday<3!)

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