Vampire bodyguard

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No ones pov
Jennie Kim had worked for Lisa Manoban for many months and in those months both Jennie and Lisa had developed feelings for each other and as time go by those feelings turned into love. Do you think they will get together?
J's pov
I am in my room close to Lisa's room, I was hungry craving for blood. I took out a bag of animal blood, I was drinking it when I didn't notice that Lisa came in "oh my gosh" she gasped "m-miss Lisa it's not what you think" I said shit she saw it! "J-jennie kim tell me what is happening" she said still shocked "but if I tell you please listen" I said she nodded and went closer and sat next to me "explain." She said seriously "look my boss sent me to protect you and I know I am a vampire but please don't be afraid I don't harm people none if us do, I mean we do drink blood but not human blood we drink only animal blood but sometimes we prefer water and my mission was to p-protect you... " I explained "was? " she asked "my mission is to protect you but that was I thought the past few days I have been feeling strange feelings towards you like a knot tied in my stomach and feelindgs of hot cheeks just like the feelings of a person who is in love.. " I said slowly looking at her "I- Jennie "   "miss Lisa please don't fire me I need to be your bodyguard in order to prote- hmp! " I got cut off when I felt soft lips in mine, she kissed me she had kissed me, I kissed back I wrapped my arms around her waist and I felt her wrap her arms around my neck, after a few minutes of kissing she broke the kiss "I love you too Jennie".
L's pov
" I love you too Jennie"I told her , she got shocked "I- uh- yo-you do? " she asked "yes, yes I do" I said "and now I am going to fire you and.. Make you my girlfriend" I said "wha- really!? " she asked "yes and from now on Jennie kim you are my girlfriend and you are mine, only mine" I said making sure that she gets it "yes, and you are mine too" and with that we kissed again not caring about what happened earlier. THE END. (Guys! I change my mind I'm not gonna end this book, I'm gonna keep making parts until I eventually ran out of ideas hehe btw good night<3!)

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