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Author's note
This is a Lisa part where she's the one confessing and all enjoy<3
No ones pov
Lisa have had a crush on her classmate Jero Kim and now she is gathering all of her courage to confess to him later.
L's pov
Oh my me I'm so nervous how am I gonna confess, will he like me back? Or will I get rejected... Aish stop thinking negative thoughts "hey lis!" I heard jero "yeah? "   "meet me at the gym later" he said "ah ok but why? " I asked "just go there later when your done eating your lunch, ok? "   "hm ok " I said "great see you later! " he said and waved before leaving. After a few minutes, I'm heading at the gym now I was thinking what does he want to talk about or do? I had reached the gym, I went inside and I saw him sitting on one of the seats in there "hey sorry did I made you wait? "I said " ah no " he said "so why'd you tell me to come here? "   "oh I- I have something to tell you" he said, me too should I tell him now?... "Actually a have something to tell you too" I said "ok, come sit " he said I sit next to him "what were you gonna say? "  "you go first" he said "oh.. Well, uhm jero I.. I like you".
J's pov
" I.. I like you " she said "Lisa... " I said "look you don't have to like me back. So what were you gonna say? " she asked "the same thing you said earlier"   "wh-what? " she said "I like you too that's why I told you to come here so I can confess" I said "do you really like me too? " she asked "actually, no I don't I like you I love you lalisa manoban. Can I court you? "   "yes" she said with tears in her eyes "really!? " I said, she nodded "yes! " I squealed that made her laugh.
L's pov
He likes me yes! He asked me if he can court me and I said yes that made him squeal and that made me laugh "can I start courting you tomorrow? " he said "sure" I said smiling "yay! I promise you lalisa manoban I will make you my girl and waste my whole life with you" he said "aww your cheesy"   "yah I'm not! " he said pouting "yes you are" I said teasing him "aish fine but only for you baby~" he said which made me blush "aww someone is blushing"   "shut up. " I said looking away. I felt him hug me, I hugged him back finally I have confessed to you Jero Kim. THE END. (Ok give me new ideas hit me with your ideas! Btw did you guys eat yet?<3)

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