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J's pov
"Sweety your gonna have a partner in doing your job" dad said "what but dad I don't need a partner " I whined "no whether you like it or not your gonna have a partner " he said sternly "but-" I got cut "no buts and get ready she'll be coming here later" dad said, I just sighed "fine" I said walking to my room. I layed on my bed aish it's a girl!? I don't want a partner and if your wondering why it's because I have lost my old partner back then because our job was to collect the money that people borrowed from our company and if they didn't pay us or give us the exact money borrowed they will be killed, and one day a man borrowed money from us and didn't pay it back my partner was about to shoot him but he shot him first with that I shot that man for 6 times until he died my partner died in front of me and I'm even more scared because she's a girl and what if I lose her too just like my partner..
L's pov
I'm here in my room getting ready because I'm meeting my new partner at their house and I was shocked a bit because it was a boy and my old partner was a girl, I was more comfortable with her back then because I had insecurities with boys back then but now that I will be having a boy as a partner I might as well try my best to not be awkward and fit in with him around me.
°after some time°
I am now ready and heading to their house, I'm a bit nervous because this is my first time driving to boy's house but I just kept my calmness. After an hour I arrived at the house, I knocked on the door and mister kim opened the door "oh your here please come in" he said smiling a little, I nodded and went inside "come with me let's sit here" he said leading me to the living room there I saw miss kim sitting "ah you must be Lisa" she said when she saw me "ah yes and you must be miss kim" I said bowing my head a bit "it's nice to meet you Lisa" she said "you too miss kim" I said "honey please call down Jennie to come here " she said to mister kim so that his name hm it's kinda cute..what!?what am I saying!?"ok, Lisa please have a seat " he said I bowed a bit and sit, he left to call Jennie.
Mr kim pov
I went upstairs and knocked on Jennie's door "son she's here now your mom told me to to tell you to come down" I said "ok " he said coming out from his room. We both went down and headed to the living room "Jennie have a seat " I said to my son, he took a seat "Jennie this is Lisa, Lisa this is Jennie my son " I introduced her to him " Jennie Lisa will be your new partner she's a trained hit woman and I hope that you guys will get along "I said he just nodded " hi" Lisa said he just hummed as an answer.
L's pov
I said hi and he just hum as an answer? That was rude " dad can I use the bathroom? " he asked "sure" Mr kim said, he went to the bathroom "I'm sorry about my son's attitude he's cold at first but once you get to know him he's actually a loving and caring person" Mrs kim said "it's ok I understand" I said smiling a bit. After 1 minute Jennie came back "Jennie you and Lisa will be on a mission tomorrow, I have already told her what you two will be doing" Mr kim said "ok dad" he said "ah Mr kim I'll be going now I need to feed my dog before he gets grumpy again" I said "ah sure " Mrs kim said , I bowed and left and went straight to my house and went to my bedroom and layed there "ah I'm tired".
J's pov
I'm eating breakfast with my parents " Jennie you will pick up Lisa at her house today" dad said "what's her address? " I asked "it's ******" mom said "ah ok" I said and finished my breakfast "I'm going now " I said taking my keys "ok take care " mom and dad said, I nodded. I went to her house which was a bit close to our neighborhood, I went to the door and I was about to knock when she opened the door "oh hey good morning" she said and smiled a bit "morning, come on we have a lot of work to do " I said before heading to my car and she followed. I opened the door for her "thanks" she said I smiled, we drove to the cafe first to get some coffee then went to the house of our first target and knocked on the door. A man opened the door "oh you must be the people who are gonna get the money right? " he asked "yes we are " I said "oh goodie I was about to go to the company to give it and since your here, here this is the money exactly 100k" he said giving me the bag of money "thanks pleasure doing business with you" I said, Lisa bowed before leaving the house with me.
L's pov
"Where to next? " I asked "we are gonna get 13k from another target" he said, I nodded. After some time we got to a big house and knocked a man opened it and got shocked then tried to run away but Jennie didn't let him "the money you borrowed please " I said "ok ok I'll give you the money! " he said Jennie let go of him and he went to get a suitcase and opened it, he pulled out a gun and pointed it at Jennie and was gonna shoot him but I shot him first before he could even pull the trigger. He fell on the floor and died, me and Jennie left.
At the end of the day we finished all our missions, Jennie took me home I thanked him and went inside "what a tiring day" I said falling into my couch.
No ones pov
Months pass and Jennie and Lisa became closer to each other Lisa and Jennie fell in love with each other and today Jennie is going to confess. "Lisa? " Jennie asked "yeah? " Lisa said "uhm I have something to tell you" Jennie said a bit nervous "what is it? " Lisa asked "I like you no I love you Lisa" Jennie said Lisa got a bit shocked "oh Jennie.. " she said "it's ok you don't have to like me back I just want to get this off my chest" said Jennie but she didn't expect Lisa kissing her.
J's pov
Lisa kissed me after what I have said "Jennie I love you too I was just afraid to tell you because I was scared I might get rejected" she said "why would I reject you? And uhm can I court you? " I asked "no need nini" she said "really? " I asked filled with excitement "yes" she said "yes! Lisa is my girlfriend now! " I screamed "yah don't shout" she said chuckling "from now you lalisa manoban you are mine and only mine " she laughed "as long as your mine too Jennie kim" she said I leaned in and kissed her and she kissed back. I broke the kiss and said "I love you"  "I love you more" she said and we kissed again. THE END(ugh finally I made a longer idea and guys please pray for Lisa to get better epal kase ni covid aish! And also good afternoon<3!)

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