best friend

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No ones pov
Jennie and Lisa have been best friends for 6 years straight. Jennie has a 🍆 and Lisa knows it but still accepted Jennie and after a few years they both went to college at the same school and everyone of them has a dorm Lisa and Jennie were roommates and a few days later both Jennie and Lisa started to develop feelings for each other and both of them wants to confess but both are too afraid that they might get rejected by each other or worse ruin their friendship but little did they know if they did confess that friendship will turn into relationship..
J's pov
I'm here at our dorm watching a movie on my laptop with lisa, I'm planning to confess later after the movie is finished. Few hours later to movie ended "hey uhm lis" I asked nervous, she looked at me and said "yeah?" I took a few deep breaths and said "Lisa I- I like you no I love you" she was shocked "Jennie... " she said "you don't have to like me back I just to get it off my chest I know that this might ruin ou-" I got cut when she kissed me, my eyes widened but I kissed back and after a few minutes she broke the kiss "I love you too Jennie" she said smiling sweetly "really? C-can I court you? " I said hoping for a yes "no need" she said "are you sure? " I asked  "yeah I mean we've been best friends for 6 years there is no need to court me" she said, I kissed her and she kissed back. I bit her bottom lip asking for entrance she opened her mouth a bit and I entered my tongue.
L's pov
Jennie and I our now French kissing on her bed(btw they were on Jennie's bed watching earlier) I moaned as I felt her hands going up to my b*obs unclasping my bra, she took of my shirt leaving me topless she went down to my neck and sucked my pulse making me moan louder and she went down to my right b*ob and sucked it while massaging my left one. My breath hitched, after a few minutes we are now both naked, she got up and went to the drawer taking out a condom. She was gonna open it when I spoke "you don't need that"   "but you might get pregnant" she said concern "I'm on pills, now come here to mommy" I said she obligated and kissed me and positioned her 🍆 on my throbbing entrance "are you ready baby? " she said in a husky voice "yes daddy~" and she entered me "ugh! So tight" she groaned "f-faster daddy" I begged as she went faster hitting my g-spot "ah! Shit yes right there! " I screamed then moaning. After a few more hard thrusts "I'm cumming! " I screamed "me too, let's come together" she said, she thrusted even more. I came on his 🍆 and she came inside me, she collapsed on me, we were both panthing " that was hot" she said "d-does this mean were.. "  "yes, yes we are" I said smiling and looked at her "I love you " I said "I love you more, good night baby your probably tired from all of that" she said "good night" I said then pulling her to my side and hugging her tight and we both fell asleep. THE END. ( damn! Their wild. I'll make another one later btw good afternoon<3!)

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