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Lisa and sehun had been together for many years and in those years Lisa have been noticing a lot of changes with sehun, he would come home late, doesn't answer her calls and many more but despite all of those Lisa still love him that was until she caught him in action.
L's pov
"Lisa I'm telling you I think sehun is cheating" my best friend jennie exclaimed "nini he's an honest guy, he would do that.. " I said she just sighed "ok then if he is an honest guy where is he now?" She questioned "a-at work.. " I said stuttering, why am I stuttering? "Really? " she asked raising her brow "I guess" I said "see even you his girlfriend doesn't know where he is! " she exclaimed again "nini please he wouldn't do that " I said trying to calm her down because I can feel that she's getting angry again "no Lisa, if you really think he's at work then let's go visit him at his office" she said and me not being able to say anything just nodded and we went to his office
(Still L's pov🤦‍♀️)
We went to his office "hi is Mr sehun in? " I asked his receptionist "ah miss Lisa it's you, yes he is, he's in his office" she said a bit worried and I felt my skin crawling as if I know something bad is about to happen, I nodded and me and jennie went to his office as we went there we both heard weird noises. Jennie ran to the office and barged in she got shocked, I went in and saw..... Saw m-my boyfriend m-making o-out with his secretary...
J's pov
I got shocked because I couldn't believe what I saw and Lisa came she got shocked too, I looked at her tears poured out if her eyes that was when I snapped "you prick! " I shouted they both look sehun got shocked and put his pants up quickly, so did his secretary.

"Lisa it's not what you think" sehun said pleading to Lisa "get the f*ck away from her you cheater! " I shouted pulling him then punching him making him fall on the floor and groan, he tried to punch me but Lisa shouted "enough sehun don't even try to punch her! " she said "why!? You don't even love her! I'm the one you love! " sehun shouted "no your wrong I love her and not you! " Lisa said pointing her index finger to sehun. "I love her so much! And I don't love you! " she said crying "because you are a cheater! " she said and walked out, I looked at him and punched him again but this time it was really hard.

Lisa went to their apartment "you were right" Lisa said hugging her while sobbing "Lili I have been telling you he is no good for you" said jennie "i-im sorry" said Lisa "sorry for what Lili? " asked the brunnete "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you" said the crying girl "it's ok Lili but can I asked you something?" Jennie asked "s-sure what is it? " said Lisa still sobbing a bit "back in the office why did you say you love me? " Jennie asked Lisa was thinking of an answer "of you love I mean I'm your best friend and I lo-" Jennie's words got cut when soft lips landed on hers.
L's pov
I kissed her, I could tell that her eyes widened but she still kissed back. After our short(long) make out kiss she broke it softly "I love you nini not as my best friend but as a-" I got cut "girlfriend? " she asked "yes" I said "are you confessing? " she asked "yes" I said hoping she would take me as her girlfriend "of course I'll have you as my girlfriend" she said "really? " I said beaning of excitement "yes! I would and I also love you Lili" she said caressing my cheek "I love you more nini" I said kissing her again this time it was slow yet passionate, I can't believe it Jennie Kim you are mine. THE END
( hi guys sorry I wasn't publishing for a while it's just my exams are around the corner and I couldn't focus, hope you guys understand...) 722 words

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