new neighbor

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No ones pov
Jennie had just moved into his new house just next to the house of Lalisa. Jennie was in his room listening to sound of the dropping rain, he got up from his bed and looked at the mirror. He got shocked because he 'accidentally' saw a girl changing he suddenly felt hard for some reason, the girl turned her head seeing him. She smiled softly before closing the curtains, Jennie ran to the bathroom and splashing water onto his face trying to calm himself down. After some time he went to the bar near the neighborhood.
J's pov
I went to bar and trying to drunk myself so that I would forget about what happened earlier "hello sir what can I get you? " the bartender asked me "a martini and one whisky please " I said "sure thing just a minute" said the bartender before going to the drinks. I looked around the bar, when I suddenly saw a familiar person. Shit! It's... It's her! It's the girl from the earlier. I got shocked when she saw me smiling softly again before giving me a soft smirk damn! Her smile is so beautiful. She started walking towards me, oh shit!
L's pov
It's him the guy from earlier, I smiled at him before smirking then walking towards him. I saw him gulp "one whisky if you please" I said to the bartender and glanced at him, he averted my eye contact with him , I could see that his cheeks redden. I chuckled "so did you liked watching me change earlier? " I said huskily "a-ah no I was just gonna look through my window when  I accidentally saw you changing. I am sorry if I was looking like a pervert" he said "there is no need to be sorry and besides even if you were a pervert I would like to make you my bf" I said teasing him a bit, his cheeks redden again cute.. "Hey come to my house later to hang out " I said winking at him before leaving with my drink when the bartender gave it to me and his cheeks redden even more damn I think I'm falling in love with my  new neighbor.
J's pov
Shit what did she mean by 'hang out' I mean I do know what hang out is it's not like I'm dumb or something oh my what if. I got snapped out of my thoughts when the bartender gave me my drink "here you go sir"  "ah thank you" after some time I left the bar and headed to her house.
No ones pov
Jennie went to the girls house and knocked on the door "oh hey come in" the said smiling "I was thinking of watching a movie earlier and decided to watch it with you"  " oh ok" the brunnete said. They were watching a movie when suddenly a scene appeared which made the both horny "hey do you have a girlfriend? " the  neighbor asked "oh no, why do you ask? " the brunnete asked. "Good cause I'd like to be yours" the girl said before sitting on his lap before kissing him. It made the boy shocked but responded, they removed each others clothes leaving them naked on Lisa's couch "wait are you sure about this? " Jennie asked "yes if your scared that you might get me pregnant just wear protection daddy" Lisa said not being able to hold the urge of pleasure from her neighbor anymore. Jennie put on protection and entered his thing to the girl entrance earning a moan "go faster please" the girl begged, Jennie went faster "shit I'm cumming! " the yellow haired screamed, which Jennie knew he had to go even more faster and thrusted even more hard "ah! " the girl finally cummed, Jennie pulled out and went down and licked his neighbor's juicies "hm taste like strawberry"  "what is your name again? " the girl asked "Jennie kim and what's yours? "  " Lalisa manoban but you can call me Lisa " the girl said before smiling softly "and Jennie "   " yeah? "   "I need to tell you something.. " the girl said "hm what is it? " the brunnete asked "I love you and I know we just met and had made out on my couch but when I saw you at bar I felt something from my heart which I didn't felt before it I have felt it because of you " the girl said "I love you too" the brunnete said "and also maybe it was love at first sight"   "maybe haha Jennie kim will you be my boyfriend? "   "as long as  you be my girlfriend" said the boy "sure " and they kissed each other passionately. THE END. (Phew I need to think of more ideas ε-(´・`)フ btw good afternoon<3!)

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