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J's pov
I'm here in our living room with my tutor, she's teaching me how to solve some complicated equations that's when I started feeling horny and I don't know why and I also started sweating so hard "what's wrong? " Lisa asked "uhm nothing hehe" I said nervously then scratching my nap "them why are you sweating so hard? " she said "uhm it's just really hot in here" I said trying not to make eye contact because of my junior hard💀 "but the ac is on full" she said showing a cocky smirk "I- uh-" I am stuttering shit! "Why? Are you hard? " she said holding my bulge while still giving a hell of a smirk "argh! I can't take this anymore" I said frustrated and pulled her waist then kissing her hungrily, she kissed back. I licked her lip asking for entrance she parted her lips a bit and I entered my tongue, our tongues were batteling each other thank god my parents are out of town for a month and also thanks that she's nearly the same as my age (ps they're both in their twenties😗) I carried her to my room not breaking the kissed. I layed her down on my bed then slowly breaking the kiss, we were both panting.
No ones pov
After a few minutes they were now both naked, Jennie weared protection "are you ready baby? "  she said seductively "yes daddy" and with that she shot her thing into her tutor's hole making her moan "a-ah f-faster daddy! " she said. And Jennie did, her tutor's and his moans could be heard in the entire house. After so many rounds they both layed on the bed still catching their breaths.
L's pov
Can't believe I made out with my own student "hey uhm Jennie? " I said "yes? " she said "I wanna tell you something? "  "hm what is it? " she asked I was freaking nervous "I - I like you no I love you and I have been developing these feelings for you and I know in just your tutor and your my student and I wanna know your answer can I court you? " I asked hoping for a yes " oh Lisa... Yes! " she said smiling "yes!? "   "yes!" She screamed and then hugged me "yes, yes you can court me and actually I was gonna confess too but I was scared" she said "haha me too I thought you weren't gonna say yes"  " well good night I know you tired" she said "good night too hon" she smiled softly and sweetly before kissing my lips again and we both fell to slumber. THE END. (Damn I'm really out of ideas can you guys help me pwease? And night night<3!)

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