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A/n: I'm tired
Tw: small mention of periods

Laysa's pov

I woke up feeling like garbage but soon enough that feeling was gone as I realized what day is.
With excitement filling my body I jumped out of the bed.
As soon as my feet hit the cold floor I regretted leaving under that warm blanket.

Today I'm going to Gee's place for the night and I'm super excited.
Soon I can call his place my home.

I started walking to the bathroom shivering of cold I looked in the mirror to see my face starting to break out even more.
As I got to the bathroom and sat on the toilet I realized I have started my period.
"Shit" I mumbled under my breath.
Why now? It really comes at the worst time!

After I cleaned myself up and brushed my teeth I got changed and went to eat.
Cornflakes as always. It reminded me of Delilah and all the mornings eating cornflakes with her.
I wonder where she is now.

I looked at the clock every five seconds to see if it's time for him to come get me.
I was so excited but also really nervous.
What if something bad happens?
Even though I'm sure nothing bad will happen when I'm with him.

My legs were trembling and I bit my nails till it hurt.
I was so nervous. I don't know why. We have done it before.
But anxiety is a bitch huh? (Yup)

I stood up from my bed and walked to my table opening the drawer and taking my sketchbook out.
I opened my sketchbook. Taking a look at my old sketches I turned to a clear page.
I knew exactly what to draw.

Somehow I finished it because I got distracted with thinking about today and looking at the clock.
I drew me and Gerard watching TV.
It looked like it came out of an anime movie.
I liked it. My style of drawing is inspired by an anime look. It just looked so cute.

Gerard's pov

I was nervous, so I did what I usually did, called Frank.

"Hey man" he said.
"You okay?"
"Yea, just nervous."
"It's going to be alright."
"Yeah, I know but what if she doesn't like being here?"
"Gee you are overthinking, I've seen how you guys get along she's going to love being there."

"You sure?"
"I'm more than sure."
"I feel like she's not gonna have fun."
"She is gonna have fun, but what have you planned?"

"Well I thought that we should watch movies and draw but that would be boring because we do it often."
"You can still do that but add something."
"Like what."
"Just add something childish."
"She's sixteen Frankie."
"Yea, but do it! It will be fun."
"You sure?"
"Yes, it will be fun because you both are physically grown up."
"Okay, but I have grown up only physically?"
"Now you are mentally as well but back in my chem days."
"Do I have to remind you what did you do!?"
I said as we both burst out laughing.

We chatted until I realized I should clean the house a little bit.
It wasn't that messy but there were still some things to pick up.

I started at the living room, picking up dishes I had left there before.
As I was walking to the kitchen I started thinking about what food to make for her.
"What would she like?" I asked myself.
I thought about what have we eaten before and realized.
The first night I was at her place we ate pasta and she has only ordered pasta when we have gone out to eat.

I put the dishes in the dishwasher and went back to the living room.
I took all my things back up my room where they belong.

I cleaned the rest of the house and made Laysa a bed in one of the guest rooms.
That room is going to be her bedroom when she comes to live here.

That teacher Who Saved Me / Adopted By Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now