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Laysas pov

It has been a week since the first school day. And I can confidently say that I actually have a friend group now. Yes, I even surprised myself. I would've never thought I'd be part of a popular group.

But of course, everything comes with a downside. This girl Rebecca has been a pain in the ass. I don't know what I've done to her. Zara usually steps in when she's giving me shit.

So the week has been rather interesting. But it was finally the weekend. I could read and sleep as much as I wanted to.

Or so I thought.

Gerard had made plans with the guys already. Of course, I had nothing against hanging out with them but I was tired.

I thought about turning Gee and the guys down but then I saw him all happy and excited for the weekend and I just couldn't. 'But maybe it was going to be fun,' I told myself.

Little did I know what Gee had in store for me.

"It's gonna be so fun I'm so excited!" Gee squealed like a happy little boy who found a bag of candy. Some part of me was trying to feel the same excitement as him mainly because it made me so joyful to see him happy.

"So are you going to finally tell me where we are going and why do I have to pack a bag with warm pj's?" I questioned Gerard who had just gotten off Facetime with the other guys.

"Oh, we're going camping."

Is he actually insane? Where? What the fuck? Why did he just now tell me this?

He must have seen my concerned face because he asked; "oh is it fine with you? I'm sorry this is last minute but it's gonna be fun." He said excitedly.

Yea, it could be fun. IF YOU TOLD ME BEFORE.

Well, he seemed really excited so I might as well go with it.

And honestly, I would feel really weird for ruining the guy's plans to spend time with me.

If they even wanted to spend time with me? Maybe the guys wanted to just hang out without me. And maybe that's why it's a last-minute thing? Or maybe they planned it before but didn't tell me. Because Gerard knows I don't like these kinds of last-minute things. So he knew I wouldn't be really okay with dragging along. But an hour passed, and I sat in the car with Gerard on our way to Ray's house. The guys decided it would be better if we just went with two cars instead of each of them coming with their own. And since Ray lives the closest to us He came with us.

I'm not mad about that at all. I like Ray. He's really cool. And I'm honestly mesmerized by him every time he plays guitar. And he's calm. And we all know who's not...

But Frank's cool too.

I like his tattoos. I wanna have a lot myself. But there's one thing holding me back. And that is my huge fear of needles. So I adore how he sticks up with the needles and is himself.

I also adore Mikey. He's so sweet. He made sure to text me and check-in. But he's also a really good bass player.

And Gerard. He's my hero. And not only with his music and MCR but in real life as well. He literally saved me. Took me in as his own. And I am forever grateful for that.

I'm grateful for him.

Thinking of all those things I couldn't help to think 'But what do I mean to them?'

That's all I could think about during the car ride.

After we picked up Ray The mood in the car slightly changed. I could sense that before Ray stepped in, Gerard was worried.

Like he was trying to hide something. But one thing is sure I wanted no more surprises.

I knew they meant well, and I was probably overreacting. But my last camping trip didn't go well. And as always I keep sticking to the past. Even tho what happened years ago on that trip had nothing to do with Gerard and the guys. And I knew They would never do something like that. But still.

We got to the camping area pretty quickly; It looked cute not going to lie. I slept for most of the drive.

The other guys were already there and setting up their tents.

"So we have a slight problem," Gerard said looking down at me.

What? shit.

"We only have one tent, and I don't know if you'll want to sleep in the same one as me. Which is totally fine one of us can sleep in the car."

I looked at him for a while thinking about it.

"It's fine we can share a tent," I said. I really didn't think I'd have to share a tent, but it crosses off one problem from the list. Which is sleeping in an unknown place. At least I'll be safe.

We got our tent up in no time. Frank and Mikey were lighting the fire or at least trying to...

Gee was complaining about mosquitos and the bug spray not working and Ray was... was nowhere to be found.

But after like half an hour He was back, and we all sat around the fire making grilled burgers.

Gerard, Mikey, and Frank were in their own world as it seemed. Talking about everything.

To be honest, I didn't understand most they were talking about so I just gave up on listening.

Ray seemed to be, not impressed by their conversations either. He was looking at the fire completely lost in his thoughts.

"Laysa? Do you wanna go for a walk? They seem to be in their own world," Ray said.

"Umm, sure" It felt weird that he asked me that but overall he was Gee's best friend. So I guess It was fine if I went.

The sun was setting as we made our way towards the lake. Ray was actually really fun to talk to. He made sure I was okay and not cold or anything while on our walk.

after a while tho it got cold.

"You're shivering," Ray said taking the hoodie he had tied to his waist and gave it to me.

"But what if you get cold?" I asked worried.

"I won't Don't worry about it, I have a cardigan on so ill be fine."

His cardigan looked cute on him not going to lie.

We talked about everything. The most random shit you could imagine. I liked it. Ranting about random stuff and laughing about it was honestly the best ending to this day.

We made our way back to camp and the other guys were getting ready to sleep. So I did too.

That teacher Who Saved Me / Adopted By Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now