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So I realised that I haven't shown how Laysa looks like so here's the pic ↑↑↑
Luv yall

Laysa's pov

A week went past quickly and tomorrow I'm getting out of here.
The good news is I'm going to a New Jersey adoption Center. But Gee doesn't even know that I'm out for adoption. Well, why would he care anyway?
But I'm planning on telling him about my situation today.
But first group therapy.

It felt more triggering than usual, maybe it's because I'm nervous about telling Gee.

"Go get ready you are going out today." One of the staff's said to me.
Gee is gonna take me out again? Heck yeah!
I changed to my really missed skinny jeans and an MCR hoodie.
I ran to the waiting room to see Gee already filling the papers.
"Hey, kiddo! Ready to go out?"
"Heck yeah!" I said as a wide smile found its way to my face.
I saw my therapist standing in the corner of the room looking at us, but I didn't pay attention to it.

As we stepped out of the building I started to spin around looking up at the blue sky with a couple of white small clouds, my smile big and wide. Gee laughed slightly looking at what I was doing.
"What? I missed the sky!" I said giggling.
"Nothing, it just looks so cute." As he said that my stomach filled with warmth.

As we got to his car I was ready to welcome the strong smell of coffee mixed with a hint of air freshener.
I missed it, I really did.

"So tomorrow you are getting out right?" He asked.
"Where are you going then?"
"Well... I have to tell you something."
"Go ahead, you know you can tell me everything."
"My parents... Umm... They... Gave Me up for... Adoption, and I'm going to an adoption Center." I said with a shaky voice looking out the window.
"Wait... Really? Are you going to leave New Jersey?"
"No, I'm staying here." I said.
"So I can still visit you?"
"Yes." I said.
"Your parents are assholes, but I'm happy that you don't have to deal with them anymore." He said lowering his tone.

We drove a while until I asked
"Where are we going?"
"To my place for a sec I have to grab something and then I was wondering maybe movies, if that's okay with you?" He asked.
"Umm yeah!"

I get to see his house?!? My Idols house!
Even though I almost forgot that he was in my favorite band he is still my idol.
I can say that I'm used to him now and that's why I almost forgot that he was the lead singer of my favorite band.

Soon enough we were there. It was quite big, to be honest. It was white with a hint of grey here and there.
The grass was trimmed and no bear bottles were laying around which was quite new to me, to be honest.

We stepped out of the car and went to the front door. I looked at the front yard while he unlocked the door. It looked nice, plane but nice. I looked at his car parking at the driveway and around the perfectly trimmed grass. It looked nice together. You wouldn't think that an old rockstar lives here.

"You comin' or you just going to stare at the front yard." He said with a chuckle.
"Coming." I said as I turned around to face him. I followed him inside.

The first thing I saw was the glorious stairs that led to a spacious lofted second floor. I could see three-door upstairs, but there's probably more considering that the house is so big.

As I turned my head to the right I saw a kitchen that definitely didn't look like it belonged to a single man.
To the left was a living room with a big grey L-shaped couch and a loveseat. A fireplace with some cute colorful plants added this home feeling. As I looked at the wall on the side of the stairs I saw pictures of the band up on the wall but there weren't many of them. It brought a smile to my face.
But still reminded me that I'm at my idol's house.

That teacher Who Saved Me / Adopted By Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now