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Laysa pov

I opened my eyes to see a kind of gray ceiling but this one was lighter than before. The thought of this made me smile. because this one was my room's ceiling. And this was a room where I could be completely alone and in peace if I wanted to.

Then there was a knock on my room door.

"Are you still sleeping?" Gerard asked through the door which muffled his voice a bit.

"No, you can come in!" I answered sitting up and getting my hair out of my face.

"Good morning honey."

"Morning," I said.

"So I made some sandwiches for a quick breakfast and after that, we need to go buy you some things." Gee said brushing the hair out of my face.

"You don't have to buy me anything."

"Well, you do need some hygiene things and some more clothes and whatever you want."

It did sound good because I haven't had that. But hygiene shopping with a man. Sounded embarrassing. Like I'm comfortable with Gerard but...

I'm a teen and this shits embarrassing.

Especially period products.

Or maybe that's my problem because growing up I was taught to hide the fact that my body was changing.

But there I was in Gerard's car driving to the store.

I could sense that Gerard was trying to say something. But it seemed like he just couldn't get the words out.

For a moment I thought that he just doesn't feel comfortable talking to me.

At the store, he just grabbed a cart and walked toward the hygiene section.

"Oh, umm I need to grab some things from the food section. You can stay here and choose your stuff if you're okay with that."

He looked at me assuring me that there was nothing going to jump out and hurt me.

I slowly nodded.

Part of me was relieved. Now there would be a little less awkward moments.

But the other part.. was terrified of being here alone. And I didn't even think about having to choose. I don't even know what I need. Like it would be good if I had some body wash and shampoo and conditioner. Okay, that's what I'm going to get. And only that. I made my way toward the cheapest stuff.

I was looking through all the options and scents.

I turn around trying to think of my favorite ones. I shouldn't have done that.

Right as I turned around I was greeted by my old friends.

Razors. My head started to spin. It took me by surprise to see them. I haven't noticed them before.

But I guess it is a store so logically there has to be some.

But I didn't think of that. I tried to turn away but I couldn't. It's like my body stopped working with my brain.

Not doing what my brain tells it to do.

Like stuck.

Or maybe I didn't really wanna turn around.

I had a sudden urge just to grab the pack of blades. My hand reached down on the shelf. It was like my body started to work again. But for wrong things. Maybe the right things?

I could stop my hand last minute.

'Gerard wouldn't buy them for you'

Who cares, I could just take them and put them in my pocket.

'What if you get caught, you can't let Gerard think you're a thief.'

He won't know. And he wouldn't realize.

My hand started to pick up the pack.

'Gerard wouldn't be proud, he has done everything to make you feel better. And right now there's nothing bad happening.'

"Gerard... wouldn't like it." I say to myself placing it back to where I got it.

"Hey, have you looked at the things you need?"

"Well yeah, but I can't decide on anything."

"Well, let's start with the easy stuff. body wash."

I turned to the cheap knock-offs but Gee turned straight to the expensive side with dove etc.

"Oh hun come here we're not buying you those. C'mon I have the money so why not get some more quality products." Gerard said.

I nod and walk towards him making me smile but hiding it. I never got those unless I found a way to sneak some money around my parents. But usually, that money was mostly used for food.

"So, what would you like?" He asked.

I went around sniffing most of the stuff that caught my eye.

"This one." I say pointing to a body wash in purple packaging.

He showed his hand towards the cart.

I placed it in there.

We walked around there until we had most of the things I needed.

And after a while, we were out of there.

The next step was clothes.

"So guessing that the next step is hot topic?" He asked.

"Really?" I asked excitedly. I didn't have many things from there. even tho I always wanted something from there.

"Yeah, I mean I'm pretty sure you'll actually wear the stuff."

He chuckled.

I mean he was right. I would probably wear the heck out of those clothes.

As we entered the store A smile crept onto my face.

I straight up went to the band T-shirts.

After 1 hour and 3 bags of clothes later we were ready to leave.

At least I thought so.

But he decided to buy me a phone. And not a used one.

However much I tried to convince him. He decided to nut me a new iPhone.

His reason was cuz 'he had that and it was good'.
But for me, iPhone has always been like a rich people's phone.

And finally, after a long day, we got home. Finally.

That teacher Who Saved Me / Adopted By Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now