Be Yourself [English]

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Not a story but a reminder :>

; 📋

Be that kind of lady. When she wakes up, she'll thank the Lord. Be that kind of lady that shouts a happy good morning to her family, saying I love you and kissing their cheeks. Be that kind of lady that knows where she stands. Be that kind of lady who smiles at strangers even if they don't smile back. Be that kind of lady who appreciates small things. Be that person who is brave enough to fight for what is right. Be that person who is simple yet rare. Be that person who loves the world so much. Be that person who is pure-hearted. Be that person, because that kind of person is sorely needed in this world. Simple, yet rarer than diamonds,

To make it the rarest, don't be afraid to show your real self. Because each one of us has our own unique way. To those girls who think that they are so down and have let themselves down, cheer up! You deserve better than that. Don't let them think you're a coward or a loser, because no, your best is hidden in your mind. You can't gain if you always hide. Bring out the best in you. Don't be afraid if you make a mistake, because you will get a lesson from it. So be you, don't give up, because life never stops teaching.

PS: Don't forget to love yourself first.

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