Title: Hopeless
[4 stanzas, 4 lines]
By: insanedreamerrr
;It's been years since I first saw you.
I couldn't sleep that night because I can't easily let go
of how you smile and laugh like there's no tomorrow
and start imagining that it's only me and you.I've been such a pathetic just to be noticed,
but in the end, I was left head down and disappointed. What am I going to do just to be noticed by you?
change? If that's the way to like me, like I dobut again, still the same and left unwanted,
I cursed you to hell, but your smile makes my heart melt
and no, I don't want to assume again and feel hurt in the end,
once is enough and I didn't want to be called stupid again.We are the only ones who make our hearts miserable
because we only think of our own heartaches and decide not to move on.
I realised that I let myself be miserable for nothing in this world
and wasting the entire time to feel loved until I grow old
Poetries & Stories
Mystery / ThrillerP O E M S / P O E T R Y / SHORT STORIES Hello! This book is a compilation of poems, poetry, and short stories. The languages used are Filipino and English. The dialect used is Cebuano. Thank you so much for reading this! Thank you, Canva, for the...