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Stefan walked up behind Lyanna and put a necklace on her. Lyanna looked in the mirror and smiled. "Oh, Stefan, it's beautiful."

"I saw it and knew you would love it."

Lyanna turned around and kissed him.

Stefan sighed as he looked at the necklace in his hand. He wants to give this to Lyanna, but knowing she's reliving her past life, he knew it won't be long till she knows the truth. He looked at the necklace and smiled. "This is for you, Lyanna."
Lyanna smiled as she walked into the school. Bonnie saw her and walked over to her. "Lyanna, we need to talk."

Stefan arrived at the school looking for Lyanna. He saw her, but the look on her face told him she was agitated with the conversation between her and Bonnie. "Hello, Lyanna. Hello, Bonnie."

Lyanna turned and smiled as she hugged Stefan. "Hi."

"I'll talk to you later."

Lyanna smiled as she hugged him. "She doesn't like me."

"Stefan, don't let her bother you." She tells him. "It's going to take some time." Stefan nodded as they walked outside. "How about I fix us dinner? No pressure, if you think..." Before she could finish, Stefan quickly turned and caught the football causing her to smile. "Now that, was awesome."

Stefan threw the ball back and looked at her. "I would love to come for dinner."

"Yay." She said hopping on his back. "I'll ask Bonnie, but I won't pressure her." He nodded. "Stefan, it's your choice, but I think you should try out."


"Well, it gives everyone a chance to know you better." She tells him.

"I'll think about it."

Lyanna smiled as they went to class.
Practice came and there was no sign of Caroline still. Lyanna felt arms go around her causing her to look and smile at Stefan. "You're trying out?"

"It gives me something to do. Get out of the house."

"You didn't have too."

"But I did." He said as he kissed her head. "Have fun."

Lyanna smiled as she continued to stretch as Stefan had walked away. She looked at Elena and Bonnie. "Bonnie, would you like to come by our place for dinner?"

"Who's going to be there?"

"Stefan, you, me, and Elena, but if you don't want to come then I can have a romantic dinner with Stefan."

"I'll go." She said. "Have you heard from Caroline?"

"No." Lyanna said as she saw a car with Caroline in it.

Everyone saw Caroline get out causing Lyanna to glare at Damon for being around her friend. "That must be the mystery guy."

"Nope. That's Damon Salvatore."

"As in Stefan..."

"Their brothers. I don't like Damon." She said as she continued her stretches.

Elena and Bonnie watched as Lyanna didn't pay much attention. Even to the comment that was made to Elena. Stefan looked back at her and smiled as he watched her. He smiled as practice started for him. Lyanna was doing the exact moves that Caroline and her worked on, but Elena didn't understand the moves meaning she had to sit out.
That night, Lyanna was cooking. Elena and Bonnie walked in and smiled at the smell. "I love coming here. Lyanna's cooking is amazing."

"I know." She said as she looked into the kitchen. "I think she needs to tell Stefan that she likes him."

"I don't know." She said. "Is Lyanna still having those dreams?"


Lyanna heard the door bell causing her to walk by and straight to the door. She opened it to see Stefan. "Hi." She said smiling. "You came."

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world." He tells her.

Lyanna grabbed his hand as they walked by Elena and Bonnie. "I'm glad you made it."

"I actually have something to give to you.' He said as he showed her a necklace causing her to look up at him. "It's something I found and hoped you would wear it."

Lyanna looked at the necklace and had a flashback.
Lyanna stared at the necklace in her hand. Stefan gave her that necklace, but her sister betrayed her by compelling the only man she has ever loved to kiss her. She laid the necklace down on Stefan's bed before leaving.
"Lyanna?" Elena said as she saw the tears in her sister's eyes.

Bonnie looked at her worried as Stefan wondered what she saw. "What did you see?"

"Her necklace." She said as she looked at Stefan. "He gave this to her because he loved her, but her sister ruined everything."

Stefan sighed as he knew that soon, he needs to tell her the truth. He wiped her tears as she took the necklace. "You'll wear it?"

"Of course, I will." She tells him. "It's beautiful."

Stefan hugged her before they sat down. Elena smiled at the two as she was happy with how things went. Bonnie smiled a bit as she could tell Stefan actually worries about her.

Sometime after dinner, Bonnie was telling them her story about being a witch. All thanks to Elena. Lyanna rested her head on Stefan's shoulder as they listened till they heard the door bell. "Stefan, I have a bad feeling."

"I know." He said as he watched her go to the door.

"Stefan, tell her how you feel."

"I will."

Elena watched as Stefan went to the door causing her to see Caroline and Damon.
That night, Lyanna sat outside of her house when Stefan walked out. "Hey."

"I'm sorry that tonight was a disaster."

"It wasn't that bad." He said sitting down. "Lyanna?" She looked at him. Stefan kissed her causing her to kiss him back.

Elena smiled at them as she went up to her room to get ready for bed. "She's happy and that's all that matters to me." She mumbled as she went to bed.
The next day was game day and Lyanna had the necklace for Elena. "Hey." She said as she walked over to her. "Stefan wanted to give this to you in person, but Tanner wanted the players together."

"He is one of a kind friend." She said smiling. "It's beautiful."



Elena laughed as her sister walked away. She smiled as her sister was still the same old girl.
After Tanner was found dead, Lyanna walked with Stefan to her car. "Stefan, don't lie to me. What happened to Tanner?"

"Lyanna, I'm a vampire and so is Damon, but He was the one that killed Tanner."

"What do you drink?"


"So it was..." he nodded. "Is that why you're..."

"No." He tells her. "When I came back, I wasn't expecting to meet you, Lyanna and now that I have you, I can't let you go." Lyanna smiled. "In time, you will know the truth."

"Thank you."

The Tales of Lyanna GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now