Twenty eight

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Lyanna woke up and smiled as she couldn't believe the life she has now. Yes, she still reliving Lyanna Pierce's life, but she is making sure to keep the Lyanna bloodline different. The bloodline ends with her. Something that she knew changed because her sister is nothing like Katherine. "Hey." She heard and looked at Jeremy. "Are you okay? You seem to in a daze."

"Just thinking, Jeremy." She tells him as she grabbed her jacket as she had plans on meeting up with Bonnie and Caroline. "I kind of made a promise to myself and the other Lyanna's before me that things will be different this time. I want to be the last Lyanna and that is what is going to happen."

Jeremy hugged her. "Good." He says. "Have fun with Bonnie and Caroline."

"Yeah. Stefan is helping Damon, but I know one thing."

'And that is."

"Something may happen."
"So, why isn't Stefan with you. I never see you two far apart." Bonnie asked causing Elena to laugh.

"That's true."

"They are doing something that might end up with someone dying." She tells them. "Knowing Damon. Stefan told me on the phone that he is only there to keep Damon from doing whatever he has planned and usually that ends in someone dying."

Elena smiled. "I heard you and Jeremy this morning and you have rights to make that promise for the other Lyanna's who never got a chance and I'm glad to be your sister because one, I'm not like Katherine. Stefan is a brother to me and I know just how much he loves you and will continue to love you. Two, I will never betray you like that."

"I know you won't." She tells her. "Now, let's get back to what we came here for."
Stefan stood by watching Damon trying to get answers. He shook his head as he felt his phone buzzing. He looked to see a concerning message from Elena that Lyanna was on her way. He didn't know that it was late. He wondered what was wrong for Lyanna to come straight to him.

"Welp, I have a body to bury." He heard Damon and looked at him. "What?"

"Why did you kill him?"

"He was a threat."

Rolling his eyes, Stefan went to wait for Lyanna. He wondered what was going on. Seeing her car pulling up, he watched as Lyanna got out and appear in front of him. "Today, I almost died." She tells him. "I went down to get the moonstone, but the well had vervain."

"Enough said." He says looking her over. "Come on, let's go in and get you some blood."

"I just want to cuddle with you because after today, I never want to feel like I'm dying because I have made a promise to the other Lyanna's before me. That I will live out the life they never could have, but with you." She tells him. "I know you loved two Lyanna's before me, but I want you to know, that I will never leave your side."

"I won't leave your side, baby. Never."

"I love you."

"I love you."

Damon smiled at them as he will make sure that they both get the happy ending. Especially knowing there were more Lyanna's. "They will get their happy ending. I will make sure of that."

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