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Dear diary,
I've been doing some thinking and I think that I can help Stefan, if he tells me more of his past. If he doesn't then that's fine too because I don't want to pressure him into telling me anything right off the back.

"Lyanna! I need your help!" She heard Elena call out.

Lyanna looked back at her diary before closing it and walking downstairs to help her sister. She grabbed her phone and texted Stefan for him to call her. She was going to ask him escort her to the founders ball.

"What do you need me to search for?" She asked as she made it to the bottom stairs.

"Just make sure I have everything on this list."

Lyanna nodded as she started looking till she saw the watch. "Oh no." She mumbled. "Elena, about this watch..."

The doorbell rang causing Lyanna to sigh, but she looked at it as if she saw that watch before. She heard arguing making her look and see her brother and sister fighting. Elena watched Jeremy go upstairs causing her to look at Lyanna. "Why is he acting like that?"

"Dad told me to make sure that watch goes to Jeremy. Only issue that watch keeps pointing at me and I don't know why.'


Lyanna nodded as she saw that the watch is gone causing her to shake her head knowing that's going to be an issue.
Later that day, Stefan arrived causing Lyanna to smile. She led him up to her room where they sat down and started kissing. Elena looked inside the room smiling because her sister was happy. The two pulled away causing her to look at him. "The reason why I called you is because they are having a founders ball and I thought, if you would like to, escort me."

"I would love to escort you, Lyanna. I'm surprised they still do this."

Lyanna smiled as she kissed him. Well, that all changed when she heard arguing. "I'll be right back."

Elena saw the watch point behind her to see her sister. Lyanna saw her brother crying causing her to look at Elena. "I think you should let him have that. Dad did say it is Jeremy's after he passes."

Elena watched her sister walk away and looked back at Jeremy. She placed the watch down and walked away. Lyanna walked in and smiled as she looked at Stefan. He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her as she placed her head on his chest as they danced together. Stefan smiled as he remembered doing this before he was turned. The one person he has ever loved.

Lyanna looked up at him smiling causing him to lean and kiss her. This was the love she always wanted.
The next day, Lyanna and Stefan arrived at the Lockwood's. Stefan helped her in after they were invited in causing Lyanna to kiss him. She saw the rings and smiled before walking to them. "Your parents?'

"Yeah." She says. "I always wanted love like their's and I guess I finally got it."

"How about I go get us a drink?"

"That would be nice." She tells him. "I'm going to look at the first registry book."

Stefan kissed her before walking away to get them a drink. Lyanna walked over to the book and saw her name as Lyanna Pierce along with Stefan, Damon, and Katherine. Her mind flashed back to this night, the night Lyanna died.

"Lyanna?" Elena said causing her to look at her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." She said.

"Lyanna?" She looked to see Damon. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"No." She said. "That's the night Lyanna died. After her sister manipulated her lover into kissing her. I remember it."

Damon looked at Lyanna and wondered if Stefan was telling the truth. Lyanna saw Stefan and grabbed his hand. "What's wrong?"

"Lyanna died on the night of the first founders ball." She tells him. "Stefan, am I going crazy?"

"No." He said. "I'm still looking for answers, but I promise that I will tell you why you are seeing her life."

Lyanna nodded as she laid her head against Stefan's chest as they danced. Caroline smiled as she was happy her best friend finally had someone to love. Someone that will treat her right.
Later on, Stefan and Lyanna were talking about a date when her sister came up to them. "What is Damon's problem?"

"What's going on, Elena?"

"Caroline has bruises and bite marks on her."

Lyanna looked at Stefan. "What is he doing to my best friend?"

"I don't know, but I will find out. Go find Caroline and take her home, Lyanna."

Lyanna nodded as she kissed him before walking away with Elena who was telling her more of what Damon did to Caroline. Stefan sighed as he knew Lyanna was hurt and confused. Hurt because a vampire is feeding and harming her best friend. Confused because she doesn't understand why she is remembering her past life, but right now, he needed to take care of Damon. Once and for all. To keep Lyanna safe.

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