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Laying in her bed, Lyanna and Stefan made out as the door opened. "Oh my god!" Elena cried out causing them to look at her. "Sorry."

"Elena, what was you needing?" Lyanna asked as Stefan put his head on her shoulder.

"It's about that vampire the other night. I was wondering if Stefan knew who it could have been."

"No. Did you see his face?" She shook her head no. Stefan grabbed the box he brought causing Lyanna to raise up. "I brought some jewelry with vervain." He tells them. "Give this to the ones you want to keep safe."

Lyanna picked up a necklace smiling. "This is for Caroline." She says smiling. "I want to keep my best friend safe and my family safe."

"I'll give it out." Elena says as she grabbed the box to leave, but looked back at them. "You might want to lock your door if that is what you two are about to do."

Lyanna grabbed a pillow and threw it at her as Elena left laughing. Stefan laughed causing Lyanna to laugh too.
Sometime that day, Lyanna was walking through the hall when she stopped to see Elena giving a necklace to Caroline. She walked over to listen to them. "Caroline, I'm happy for you and Matt. I don't mind that the two of you are dating."

Lyanna smiled as she felt her phone buzzing. She pulled it out and smiled as she saw it was from Stefan. She looked at the poster beside her causing her to smile as she took a picture to ask Stefan if he wants to go. Caroline walked over to Lyanna and smiled. "She accepts me and Matt."

Looking up, Lyanna smiled. "That's good. Is Matt going to be able to make it to the dance?"

"No." Caroline says. "He has to work tonight."

"That's good he got a job." Lyanna says. "Kelly is not there to pay bills and god only knows what happened to Vicki."

Caroline smiled. "So, how are things with Stefan?"

Lyanna blushed causing Caroline to smile. "Everything is good." She says. "We got interrupted this morning, but Stefan wants to hang out tonight."

Elena watched her sister and friend walk away. She smiled at how happy Lyanna was with Stefan and seeing the way she spoke about the relationship made her smile. Walking away, Elena was going to talk to Bonnie about the adoption and that Lyanna is a reincarnation.
Sometime the night, Lyanna was getting ready when Elena saw the watch pointing into Lyanna's room. "Lyanna, are you in there?'

"The watch?"


Lyanna sighed as she walked out and looked at the watch. "How are we going to know if there is a vampire here or not if it keeps pointing at me?" She asked as she grabbed the watch. "I'll call and see if Stefan is coming and tell him that this watch is not helping us if that vampire from the other day comes back."

Elena followed her sister into the room as Lyanna finished up with her costume for tonights decade dance. "Hello, Stefan's phone."

"Damon, is Stefan coming here. This watch keeps pointing at me and I can't tell if Stefan is here or a vampire."

"Okay, I'm on my way to make sure there is no vampire."

"Thanks, Raven."

Elena laughed as Lyanna hung up. "I'm so glad that he still sees me as his best friend from 1864. I can call him whatever."

Elena smiled. "Come on, Stefan might be here and waiting."

Lyanna grabbed her jacket and walked ahead of Elena. Once she reached the bottom, Lyanna was attacked causing Elena to scream out her sister's name. "Lyanna!"

The other Gilbert didn't hear a word as Lyanna and the unknown vampire fight. When the front door opened, the vampire left. "Lyanna?" Stefan says as he ran to her side. "Are you okay?"


"You fought a vampire, Lyanna." Elena says as she ran to her and hugged her. "That watch won't work unless Lyanna isn't in the house."

"Can I see it?"

Elena left to get the watch as Stefan looked at Lyanna. She smiled as she brought him into a kiss causing him to hold her tight as Damon walked in and Elena coming back with the watch. Elena cleared her throat causing them to look at her. "Here's the watch." She says as she handed it over. "See, it doesn't point at you two, but Lyanna."

Stefan looked at Lyanna as she shrugged. "We'll have to find out more about this watch."

"You think."
After making a plan, Stefan and Lyanna went to the dance. Elena walked over to their friends as Damon watched Lyanna and Stefan dance. He shook his head as Stefan showed off what he learnt in the 50s causing Lyanna to look at him. "Wow."

"You know some of the moves."

"I don't know how, but it was fun." She says as she leaned up and kissed him. "Especially with you."

Stefan smiled. "I'm going to get us a drink. I'll be right back."

Lyanna nodded as he kissed her before walking away. She looked around the gym to see a figure leaving. Feeling her phone vibrate, Lyanna looked at the message making her go save Jeremy.

When Stefan came back, he dropped the drinks as he saw Lyanna missing. "Where's Lyanna?"

"She was right there waiting for you." Damon says as he saw no Lyanna. "Not again."

Elena followed them as she needed to save her sister. The three of them ran down the hall to hear fighting. Going into the cafeteria, Lyanna could be seen fighting the vampire. "Why can't you leave me alone?" She asked.

"You are a reincarnation and a key for me to get inside that tomb."

"That's new." She said shoving the end of the broom stick into his stomach. "Now, why are you here?"

"Lyanna, I just want Katherine."

The Gilbert girl rolled her eyes. Damon walked over wanting answers on how to get in the tomb as the guy kept staring at Elena before he died. "You didn't have to kill him." Elena says.

"Elena, he was in the house. He knows you look like Katherine, if he can't get to her, he'll get to you."

Elena nodded at her sister's word as she left. Lyanna looked at Stefan. "Can I stay the night?"

"Let's go."
That night, Lyanna and Stefan danced together in his room. She smiled as Stefan leaned in and kissed her. Wrapping her arms around his neck, the kiss became more heated. The two had flashbacks of the night before the ball. The night before Lyanna Pierce died. Stefan pulled back and touched Lyanna's cheek. "I will never let anyone kill you." He says. "I can't lose you again."

"I don't want to die." She says as Stefan bit his wrist.

Stefan watched as she brought his wrist to her mouth. Lyanna felt him hold her head before she pulled back. Wiping the blood off her lips, Lyanna kissed Stefan. Stefan started taking her clothes off as she took his off. She looked to see the veins and smiled. "You can feed from me. It could help you."

"I'll think about it." He says. "Right now, I want you."

Lyanna smiled as they laid on the bed to continue what they started.
Downstairs, Damon heard them moaning causing him to smile as he left. He got Lyanna back just as Stefan. They will make sure she turns. "We won't lose her again, brother."

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