Chapter 5: Act

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You slowly opened your eyes to see an unfamiliar ceiling. Blinking your eyes twice you jolted up as you looked around you. 

'Where am I?' You pondered as you went out of the bed. You looked around studying the room you were in then afterwards you walked out of the room. When you opened the door you saw a door across the room you were in.

'I must be in Ran's place. I didn't expect that psycho would drug me to sleep' You groaned as you studied the corridor.

Then in the center of the corridor was a door with a unique and luxurious design.

'That must be Ran's room.'

You slowly walked until you were at the end of the corridor then you saw a silver railing and at the center was the stairs leading down.

You walked down the stairs then you slowly looked around biting your lip. 'This house seems endless!' You kept on walking and walking until you were now standing on a big door.

"This must be the exit" You mumbled, reaching your hand towards the knob.

"I see, you're trying to escape" You flinched as soon as you heard a familiar voice. You could feel a cold blade on your neck. You stopped your hand, as you froze in place.

"If you move your hand any further I won't have any chance but to cut your neck open" Rindo's cold voice sent shivers down your spine as you felt his hot breath on your neck.

As much as you want to fight him back you can't because you had to keep an act.

You slowly put your hand to your side. Rindo looked at you hand that was now at your side then he harshly grabbed your arms.

Before you knew it you were pinned on the wall next to the door. The cold blade of the knife was on your neck. One wrong move and your neck will be cut open. You sucked your breathing as you leaned on the wall. Cold sweats was starting to trickle down the bridge of your nose.

"If you ever step out of this house I'll have no choice but to kill you myself" He coldly threatened.

"Rindo!" The both of you turned your eyes to look at Ran who was stomping his way towards Rindo.

"Put the knife down" He coldly commanded. Rindo hesitated at first but then later on put the knife down as he took a step back.

You gasped for air as you put a hand on your chest.

'Thank goodness' You sighed as you looked up at Ran.

"Don't let your feelings get in the way brother. Remember what you are. Even if you're an executive of Bonten, if you betray Mikey and Bonten you'll be good as dead" Rindo reminded, now walking away from you and Ran.

"I know that" Ran mumbled then he turned to you.

"Are you okay?" He asked whilst walking towards you. He reached a hand up to your cheeks when you slapped his hands away.

"When you said you were a businessman did you mean illegal business? Cause if it's not then I don't know what it is." You glared at him as you put your hands down.

"I thought meeting you again was something I could be happy of. I could've forgiven you for what you did to me in the past but after this?" You looked to the side bitterly then you closed your eyes whilst clenching your fist.

"I don't I could ever" You finally said. Tears rolled down your eyes as you lifted your hand up wiping your tears.

He stayed silent feeling guilty after what you just said as he put his hands down.

"I just wanted to go back home. But why does this have to happen to me?" You whimpered.

"You can't" Ran spoke as he looked down at you.

"Why?" You asked with anger in your tone as you looked up at him.

"Because we can't trust you" He replied.

"Why?!" You asked again.

"What if you tell the authorities. We can't have that. I'm sorry but you'll be here with me." Ran said turning his back indicating the conversation was over.

"Ran!" You called. Two men went inside the room as they looked at Ran.

"Take her back to her room" Ran commanded. The two nodded their heads as they pulled you.

"Ran!" You called but Ra didn't bother looking at you.

As soon as you arrived in your room, the door was slammed close. You stood behind the door as you sniffled then you turned your back hanging your head low as you walked towards your bed as you continued to sniffle.

'There are camera's all over this house. Rindo couldn't have spotted me if he wasn't checking the monitor. While I was asleep due to the drugs they attached four camera's inside my room then at the corridor five, in the living room near the exit there are seven. At the kitchen I'm guessing there will be two cameras and the dining room one. Well every part of this house has cameras but-' You glanced at the bathroom.

'The bathroom doesn't have one since it's a private room. Unless they're a pervert you likes watching people take a bath'

You wiped your tears as you lied looked down the ground. You kept on crying and crying as you lifted your hands burying your face in your palms.

'And now, Ran is watching me inside the room'

A small and red blinking light could be seen at the corner of the room.

Ran looked at you through the monitor. He had a look of sadness mixed with guilt in his face as he looked down then he turned his back.

He walked through the corridors passing the door of your room. He stopped as he looked at the door. Reaching his hands towards the knob but then he stopped mid-way as he proceeded to walk toward his room.

As soon as he was inside, a sigh left his lips as he walked towards his swivel chair then he pulled a book up as he began to read it to clear his mind.

You stopped crying as you sniffled then you hugged your knees.

'I have to refrain myself from doing something that would make me suspicious. This is gonna be a one interesting hell of a mission and I'm dying to know how this would end' You thought feeling excited from your thoughts but outside you were looking sad, trying to keep up with your acting.


Ran turned the flat screen that was in his room on then a picture of (Y/n) was on the screen.

"Writer of the Trust and Betrayal, (Y/n) (L/n) has been reported missing! The police are now investigating through this case as they kept on searching for the woman. Some suspected that the woman was abducted by Bonten and some suspected she was abducted by some thugs......"

Rindo turned the Television off then he threw the remote on his bed as he let out an exasperated sigh.

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