Chapter 46: Betrayal

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Your legs were like jelly as you walked in the corridor. A lot of questions flooding inside your head as you continued to walk.

You felt rage, anger, sad and betrayed at the same time.

'Client: Martin (L/n)
Working with: Ran Haitani
Target: Sai Watanabe
Signed by: Martin (L/n)'

'That shouldn't be.' Your breath was shaking as you walked.

"Ma'am." The maid placed a hand on your shoulder making you flinch as you turned to her with your eyes wide in shock as if you saw a ghost.

"No." You said as you took a step back then you slowly ran out of the corridor leaving the maid confuse.

You ran out of the mansion as you walked aimlessly in the streets.

The heavy rain continued to pour down upon you.

'Dad couldn't..-'

You feel betrayed, You feel empty inside. You wanted to cry but your eyes were dry that you couldn't feel any emotions but emptiness.

It felt like your heart wasn't in your chest. You feel so empty.

You were drenched by the rain as you continued to walk in the streets, lost in your thoughts. You felt lost. You felt emotionless.

The loud thunder was heard as you continued to walk but stopped when you saw a familiar figure standing from afar.

It was Ran holding an umbrella to protect his self from the rain.

When you saw him, you weren't mad but you were guilty.

Guilty that after all those years that you've hated him.

Ran looked at your direction as he looked at your wet figure.

You wanted to run away from him but for some reason you walked forward as you approached him.

"(Y/n) what are you doing under the r-!?" Before he could continue you stopped in front of him as you leaned on his chest.

You stayed like that for a minute as he looked at your wet (h/c) hair.

"You'll catch a cold idiot!" He scolded but you only stayed silent.

He noticed that you weren't yourself as he placed his free hand on your wet and cold hand.

"I'll take you back to your ho-"

Before he could pull you, you stopped his hand.

"I don't want to go home." You weakly said.

"Can we go somewhere else?" You asked as you kept your eyes down.

He took his jacket as he wrapped it around you.


You were only silent until you arrived at the hotel.

Ran went inside the hotel after buying some clothes for you which you wore.

When you went out of the bathroom you sat down the bed with your eyes just looking at the ground.

You couldn't bring yourself to look at Ran.

"Have you eaten yet?" He asked but you were only silent.

"I'll buy some food outside just wait for me here." He said as he walked towards the door.

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