Chapter 12: Smoke

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You sat in front of the members of BONTEN with their leader Mikey sitting across you.

"I haven't introduce them to you, Have I?" Ran asked. You thought about it then you shook your head.

"So, that is our boss Mikey" He said. You turned to Mikey who was munching his taiyaki.

"I'm Kokonoi Hajime" The man with white long hair introduced with a smile on his lips.

"I'm Kakucho Hitto"

"Mochizuku Kanji"

"Akashi Takeomi"

Sanzu was about to introduce his self when you interrupted.

"Sanzu Haruchiyo..? Am I correct?" You asked with a soft smile on your lips.

Sanzu stood up from the couch then he walked towards you picking your hands up then he kissed the back of your hand with a smile on his scarred lips.

"Yes" He said lifting his head up to look at you.

He turned to the side to see Ran glaring at him which he just returned a smile before walking back to the couch.

"Let me formally introduce myself" You said as you stood up putting a hand on your chest then you bowed.

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n)" You lifted your head up with a smile on your lips. "It's nice to meet you. I hope we get along" You turned your head to meet Ran's eyes then you smiled at him.


"I know" You cut Mikey off before he could speak.

"I don't need you to trust me. But if you're thinking that i'm a threat to your gang then feel free to kill me." You smiled.

"After all what could a helpless woman like me do?" You said in a matter-of-fact manner.

"I don't have to trust you either but let's just get along. After all, we're gonna be seeing each other and there's nothing we could do so we should just get along." You said. Your smile didn't falter as you spoke.

Mikey had to admit you had a point. They'll be seeing your face more often so they have no choice but to get along with you.

"You do have a point but- if you get in our way I'll kill you" He firmly stated.

"Roger that" You replied then you sat back down.

Everyone had an impressed look on their faces. It was their first time seeing someone who could talk back to their leader without any hint of fear on their faces. It was their first time seeing a women talk back to their leader.

'Interesting' Sanzu smirked as he looked at you. You noticed he was staring at you as you moved your eye to look at him with your smile not faltering.


You stood on the balcony as you looked at the pool under you when a man stood beside you. You turned your head to see Akashi with a cigarette, between his lips.

"What you did earlier was a brave act. It's our first time seeing a woman stood up on our boss without fear on their faces" He said, traces of smoke leaving his lips as he looked at you.

"If that's a compliment then thanks" You said as you averted your gaze, looking at the pool with a bored look on your eyes.

"Aren't you afraid of living here?" He asked.

"Does it look like I have a choice?" You asked.

"You're right. Cigarette?" He asked. You turned to him with a smile on your face.

He handed you one then he lit it up with a lighter.

You suck the smoke then you blew it to the side. 'Finally' You sighed with the smoke leaving your lips.

"Didn't know you would smoke." He said with a look of shock in his face.

"Well, it's my stress reliever. When I write my stories and get stress I just go outside and smoke." You said then you sucked the cigarette.

"I see" He snickered, then he blew the smoke.

"Look at these cancers hanging out with each other." Sanzu laugh, Just a you turned your body to look at him. His hands was on your waist and he was close as he looked at you.

You were surprised at how close he was at first but then later on you turned to the side blowing the smoke.

"What do you want?" You asked.

"Wanna play Russian Roulette?" He asked. You tilted your head to the side then you looked at Akashi who was glaring at Sanzu.

You sucked the smoke then you looked at Sanzu, blowing the smoke on his face before replying "No."

You pushed his hands off your waist about to walk away when he grabbed your hand.

"I wanted someone to play with me since everyone didn't want to play." He said, gazing at you.

You lifted your hand which had the smoke about to suck the cigarette when he suddenly snatched the cigarette off your lips without a warning then he sucked the cigarette.

"Tsk! Give that back!" You tried to snatch the cigarette but then he blew the smoke on your face.

"I'll buy you a pack of cigarette if you play with me" He proposed.

"Sanzu. Don't. If she dies, Ran will have your head" Akashi chimed as he continued to glare at Sanzu who only looked at him.

"She won't die. After all she gets to choose where she would shoot herself." Sanzu replied.

"If she gets hurt, I don't know what would Ran do to you." Akashi warned. Trying his best to stop his brother who kept on insisting.

"Well, if she's lucky she would survive without getting hurt!" Sanzu retorted.

"Are you on your pills again?" Akashi asked as he looked at Sanzu who shrugged his shoulders.

"What do you care? If you don't want her to play then do you want to take her place?" He asked Akashi who only clicked his tongue.

"Unlike you Sanzu, I'm not crazy." He retorted. "Find someone who's crazy enough to join you on your crazy game." Akashi said.

Sanzu was about to retort when-

"Fine, let's play" You spoke making the both of them look at you.

"If I play with you, will that be enough to shut your mouth?" You asked.

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