Chapter 55: Cherry Blossom

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"(Y/n)" His voice shake as he knelt beside you.

"W-What have I done?! I-" He was starting to panic as tears fell from his eyes.

Akashi picked your gun up and saw that the safety pin was on.

"Her safety pin is on." Akashi informed making them turn to the gun.

"She wasn't trying to kill us. She was trying to make us kill her." Akashi spoke.

Ran looked at you as his lips trembled.

"I'm s-sorry I didn't know you were- What have I done?!" He was in denial as he looked at you.

Tears falling from his eyes down to your cheeks.

"I-It's O..Oka..y" You slowly lifted your hands up as you placed it on his wet cheek.

"I.. D..did it for" You spoke.

He placed his hand on top of your hand as he cried.

"I..I'm s..sorry." Tears formed in your eyes and a lump was in your throat.

"Don't talk we can still save you yeah?" He said but you only flashed him a weak smile.

"I...I'm f.f.fine. Just.. stay here for... A. M..inute." You said as he clenched his fist.

"You're losing a lot of blood!" He exclaimed.

"D.. Don't c.cry R..Ran." You said gazing into his violet eyes.

It was getting hard to breath since your diaphragm was shot and it was painful to talk but you pushed yourself.

"I.. a. l.lots of.. t.things t.o te.ll you." You said as your eyes turned blurry due to the tears.

"M..My mother.. di.ed o..of y.ou." Your tears began to fall to the side of your eyes as Ran looked at you with shock on his face.

"Y..You k..illed he...r" You added.

"I.. I w..ante..d to a..ave.nge he.r I t...too..k t..this m..issi.on s.o t.hat I c..could kill you." Blood escaped from your mouth as he panicked.

"Don't talk you-"

"I.. hate.. yo.u" You cried as you weakly slapped his cheeks.

"W..Why y..ou t.o le..ave me."

The others looked at you with pain in their eyes as they clenched their fist to hold their tears back.

"I.. y..ou!" You cried as you continued to slap him but then he caught your hand as he cried.

"I'm sorry. I just.. I just wanted to protect you. I was afraid that I'll lose you. I was a coward I'm sorry!" He cried.

You weakly smiled through the pain and tears and you could feel your vision slowly fading but you tried to fight it.

"Le...av.e t..this place! Le-" You coughed as blood continued to escape your mouth.

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