Chapter 44: Funeral

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"M...Mars.h..mallows... (Y/n).. lo.ves.. t..hem."

You bit your lower lip as you looked at your mother whose eyes was half open.

"I... H.ave to (Y../n).. is w..aiting." She said with a weak smile on her lips.

"Mom! I'm right here!" You said pointing to yourself then you went towards the telephone that was right beside you.

"I'll call the doctors okay?" Tears fell from your eyes. You were about to pick the telephone up when-

She weakly gripped on your dress that was touching the side of her bed.

You stopped as you turned to your mother. She weakly turned to look at you then her smile widened.

She weakly lifted her hand up which you caught as you placed them on your cheeks.

" safe? I'm" She stammered as she closed her eyes smiling then her hand suddenly turned limp and cold.

"Mom!" Your smile dropped as you let go of her hand then you looked at the heart monitor as it beeped.

"No! Stop playing!" Your voice turned shaky as you glanced at your Mother then back at the heart monitoring machine.

"Stop!" You yell then you took the telephone dialing the doctor as soon as they picked the call up-

"MY MOM! Y-You have to come here!" You almost shouted as tears uncontrollably fell from your cheeks.

When the doctors arrived you were standing on the corner watching your mother.

"It's no use." The doctor mumbled then they turned to you.

"Time of death. 12:09 p.m" He announced.

Your knees fell on the ground, your eyes wide as you looked at your pale mother.

"No, s-sh.." Your throat was burning and you couldn't bring yourself to speak anymore. Your eyes were full of tears as you clenched your fist.

"NO!! MOM! COME BACK!" You screamed. You wanted to stand but your legs weren't working. They weren't listening to you.

"NO THAT CAN'T BE TRUE!" You yell as you tried to push yourself up but instead you were pulled by Lily who just arrived to visit your mother.

"Nee-san!" She called as she hugged you but you were trying to get away from her. You want to be on your mothers side.


"Nee-san!" Tears fell from her eyes as she sobbed hugging you from the floor.

You were whimpering. You couldn't accept the fact.


"Where's (Y/n)?" Kaito asked with you father behind him.

Lily only turned to your direction which Kaito looked to where she was looking then he ran towards you.


"Marshmallows." You mumbled then you slowly looked at Kaito. "Mom was trying to buy some marshmallows." You said with a bitter smile on your lips.

"Funny isn't it?" You lowly laughed as you looked down the white floor.

Kaito looked at your figure. He understood how you felt.

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