31• A Visit to My Hometown

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Jiddah's POV

The atmosphere is cool, and the farms by the road side looked all green from the plants ready for harvest. Men carried farming tools on their shoulders and walked hurriedly while the girls chit chatted and walked slowly with their pot for fetching water from the river. This village is still the way it is, nothing has really changed.

We walked side by side with Aunty Ainau each of us dwelling in their own thought. She agreed with my plan of taking back my inheritance from Kawu and we arranged to come here the next day and now here we are, we are heading straight to the Mai gari's palace. I am confused and scared, but I still have to make an effort right?

We arrived at the palace and greeted the guard outside. "Jiddah ce ko?" He asked. "Yes, I'm the one" I said. "Mai gari is having an important discussion inside, you should sit here and wait for him" he said. "Okay" we replied him and sat on the mat he pointed at. "Jiddah an Zama Yan binni an manta damu ko" he grinned while I just smiled.

"They said you are married to a very rich city guy, is it true?" He asked yet again, this man is a talkative and will Keep on pock nosing so I ignored him, he hasn't changed a bit, he's always concerned about what's going on in other people's lives.

25 minutes Later

"You can go in now" he ushered us. "Okay Thank you" Aunty Ainau said and we went inside. "Gaisuwa muke Mai gari" we greeted. "Barka da safiya Mai gari" Aunty Ainau added. "Kuna iya Zama"

"Godiya muke" we stated and sat. "Hauwa?" Mai gari called. "Na'am" I answered. "Mai ke tafe daku?" He directed the question to Aunty Ainau.

"Ranka shi dade dama munzo ne muna tafe da wata bukata, ka taimake mu Kamar yarda Allah ya taimake ka, we want you to help us out regarding My Niece's Inheritance that is with her father's Brother...." She went on and explained to him that kawu has never done anything for me with the inheritance my father left me, the agreement was that he'll handle the farms and in return take care of me.

"He Didn't buy anything for her when she was getting married, he collected the sadaki and even extra money from her spouse but never shared any of them with Jiddah. Yanzu dai maganan da nake ma auren ya mutu, he has divorced her. We want Mai Gari and his elders to help us out" she concluded. "Aure ya mutu" one of the elders spoke and we both nodded our head. "Matsalan auren yan birni kenan ai, but you overlooked it for selfish reasons" he blurted. "Haba Alhaji Tanko, let Mai gari speak let's hear his opinion" another one said to him.

"Malam Barau" Mai gari called the guard outside. "Go to Salmanu and Idrisu's Houses and tell them to report to the palace immediately" he uttered. "An gama Ranka shi dade" he bowed and left Ina hurry.

Few Minutes later the three of them came inside the palace and greeted Mai gari. All this while Kawu's gaze was on me, he looked scared, shocked, and angry. Malam Barau must have overhead our conversation and tell him.

"Salmanu" Mai gari called. "Na'am ranka shi dade" he bowed.

"Kasan ita gado hakkin maraya ce Kuma dole a bashi ko?(You know Inheritance is a right of an orphan which must be fulfilled right?)" "Eh tabbas hakane, Mai gari yayi gaskia" he nodded his head.

"Hauwa'u, Your late brother's only child has come of age and is requesting to have authority over her inheritance. Few years back, we had a meeting here with the both of you..." He pointed at kawu and idrisu, my father's close friend.

"We had a meeting with the both of you regarding what your brother has left behind and we came to a conclusion that they will be left under your custody" he said. "Hakane ranka ya dade" Idrisu nodded his head.

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